Articles for tag: Air Traffic Controllers, Best Kept Secret

What is Income Tax Used For? Learn the Truth

What is income tax used for? If you’re tired of paying taxes, like most Americans, and are wondering this question, you’re not alone. So, just what is income tax used for? The government provides many services for citizens of the U.S. To be able to provide these services, they must have an income. That’s where ...

Karla News

Becoming an Air Force Officer

The following article outlines the job duties, training involved and future prospects of taking on a career as an Air Force officer. The job: Did you know that a country’s air force is one of the armed services that are responsible for the country’s defense? The Air Force patrols and defends that country from in ...

Karla News

Remembering the Air Disaster Over Cerritos, California

I remember the day, August 31st, 1986, like it were yesterday. It was a hot day. It was a weekend day, and I had spent the entire weekend with my dad and stepmother at their condo in Santa Fe Springs, California. I remember sitting in the living room just flipping through the stations on the ...

Karla News

Famous Strikes:The Most Famous Labor Strikes in History

While the 2007 Writer’s strike makes headlines, there are many more notable strikes in American labor history. Some strikes ended in bloodshed. Some ended in mass firings. But throughout organized labor history, the price for higher wages and better working conditions has been chronicled by power struggles of epic proportions. Here are some of the ...