Articles for tag: Agility Training, Dog Agility, Pvc Pipe

Karla News

Dog Agility: Fun Training Equipment That’s Easy to Build

Looking for a way to spend time with your dog that’s more interesting that just wandering around the park? Try setting up some dog agility equipment in your backyard. Agility training involves teaching dogs to surmount obstacles that the dogs jump over or through, climb, or walk a specific path through. There are types of ...

Karla News

Dog Agility Training Tips: Weave Poles

No dog agility training would be complete without learning the weave poles. The weave poles can be one of the hardest dog agility training exercises for a canine to learn. This is because the weave poles require a dog to move in a direction that is not natural to the dog. Other events, like the ...

Karla News

Dog Agility Training Tips for Beginners

Dog agility training is becoming more and more popular with owners and their pets every day. Not just any dog and owner can do it though. It takes a great amount of commitment by both the dog and their owner to become a great agility dog. Once your dog has become one though, it is ...

The 3 Most Common Football Injuries

Anyone who plays sports can be injured in the game, and football players are certainly no stranger to the risks. As fans we’ve watched players pulled from the field and heard of unlucky accidents in practice. While keeping hydrated, properly warming up and cooling down, and maintaining a balanced routine of strength training and stretching ...

Karla News

Benefits of Wearing a Weighted Vest

Weighted vests have become a popular choice for those seeking to increase muscle mass and improve overall weight management. Not only can a weighted vest help you lose weight, it can offer some of the best resistance training available. A wide range of people utilize this type of product for a variety of reasons. Many ...

Karla News

Top 10 Dog Training Tools

When training your new dog the most important thing is patience and consistence. No dog is going to get it right the first time. Training is not an easy task; let your dog know you are the boss. To assist you in teaching your dog, there are products available that are safe and reliable. Below ...

Karla News

Considerations for Dog Agility Equipment

Agility is a world famous dog sport. More and more people are interested in training their dogs for this sport. However there are few things which the dog owners should consider before they make this decision. The first thing is that the dog should be really fit for agility. Studying the dog thus becomes a ...

Karla News

DIY Agility Course

“The only good puppy is an exhausted puppy.” That observation, only slightly exaggerated, is distilled from decades of sharing life with dogs, attending dog training courses and reading dog training books. Exercise remains essential to good behavior and good health in the adult dog. For high energy dogs, even long, daily walks may not be ...