Articles for tag: Afterbirth, Vultures

Karla News

Common, but Endangered Vultures of Florida

Vultures are scavenging birds found on every continent except Australia and Antarctica per wikipedia. They are valued, and feared, as birds that clean up carcasses after death. At times they have been known to kill dying animals. Vultures feast and gorge when kill is available storing it in their crop from which they can reguritate ...

Karla News

The History of Family Life

The American family is a strange institution. There are people out there today who will readily compare their family to an institution—a mental one at that—and give you examples to confirm their stand. They’ll especially do it if they can get on Jerry Springer or Dr. Phil. What a sad state of affairs when getting ...

Karla News

Treat Common Baby Ailments with Reflexology

Reflexology has been used for centuries and is a method that adults are using to help cure or relieve a number of different ailments by allowing circulation and blocked energy and toxins to be released. Reflexology, is a gateway for the body to heal itself. Reflexology can be administered to babies and chidren in the ...

Karla News

Preventing Cannibalism in Hamsters

Hamsters are cute, comical ‘” and cannibals. They will pass up a chance of eating dead hamsters. They evolved in arid, food-poor regions, and so they will not pass up any chance to chow down on a huge source of fresh protein. But hamster cannibalism is most prevalent in mother hamsters killing and eating their ...

Karla News

Funniest Dinner for Schmucks Quotes

In Dinner for Schmucks, Tim (Paul Rudd) invites Barry (Steve Carell), a well-intentioned but calamitously clueless IRS agent who makes dioramas with dead mice, to his boss’s monthly “dinner for winners,” where everyone brings the biggest idiot they can find–a blind fencer, a woman who speaks to dead pets, a ventriloquist whose puppet is his ...