Articles for tag: After Prom, Algebra, Algebra Ii, Decimals

Karla News

Preparing for a Math Placement Test

As a college professor, many of the students in my Introductory Algebra course shouldn’t be there. The majority of them took Algebra II in high school, and some of them took Pre-Calculus. However, based on their placement test scores, they end up in Introductory Algebra, which isn’t considered college-level and doesn’t earn them any college ...

Karla News

How to Throw Your Own Prom Party

Every teen loves the Prom and all the glamor that comes with it; however every teen also loves all the parties that come with this night as well. No matter if you are having yourself a Pre-Prom or After Prom party, I am going to give you step by step details on how to throw ...

Karla News

Prom Scrapbook Ideas

Prom is one of the most exciting and notable celebrations that occur during your high school years. Most high school students spend their entire school career dreaming of and looking forward to this special night, so it only makes sense to archive and document the occasion. A homemade scrapbook is the perfect way to organize ...

Karla News

Most Haunted Places in Livermore, California

The city of Livermore is full of Ghosts. If you stop almost any resident in the town of Livermore, chances are they’ll be able to give some sort of first hand account of a visit to some of the more famed haunted places. It’s become almost a right of passage for most high schoolers to ...