Articles for tag: 50 Shades of Grey

Karla News

First Draft ‘Thor’ Script: What Got Cut?

The original “Thor” script includes a multitude of cuts, including references to additional Marvel universe characters-such as Hank Pym (Ant Man). This script also provides clues about the development of Thor and Jane’s relationship and the types of interactions she might have with the Asgardians in “Thor: The Dark World” (2013). 7 Things We Learn ...

Karla News

Electric Can Openers: The Top 10

First introduced in 1931, electronic can opener may not be a necessity in a kitchen, but it is undeniably a useful tool that has many benefits. For instance, extra energy is not required to rotate the can opener since everything is electrically operated. It is time saving to use the electric can opener since the ...

Karla News

15 Best Upcoming Chick Flicks and Romantic Comedies of 2013

Chick flicks are changing, so women have a lot more to look forward to in 2013 than sappy, soppy romantic comedies about gals who end up falling for the guys that they hate. But don’t worry — there’s at least one movie aimed at Jane Austen fans looking for their own Mr. Darcy. Beyond the ...

Karla News

Why We Love “50 Shades of Grey”

  You know the book. The one you can’t put down, the one you ignore your husband and neglect your kids for. You can’t get enough, you’ve read it more than once, and you could read it again and again. Well, for millions of Americans, right now that book is “50 Shades of Grey” by ...

Karla News

Do You Need a Love Contract? How to Make a Relationship Agreement

Do you have a love contract for your relationship? Many may poo-poo the idea of a relationship contract. After all, the idea was made famous in the “scandalous” erotic novel series “50 Shades of Grey.” The wealthy Christian Grey presents his paramour Anna with a formal document with binding terms of agreement, pun intended. Sure. ...

Karla News

Top 10 “Must Have” Organic Makeup Products

According to the dictionary, “organic” means anything of animal or vegetable origin, using no pesticides or chemicals. Until the 1930s, the term “organic” was rarely used until popularized by Lord Northbourne who wrote about “organic farming” in his book. Until recently, “organic” spoke to the method by which meat, poultry, fruits and vegetables were grown. ...