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Symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome

Breast Tenderness, Ovarian Cysts, Tubal Ligation

Many women have suffered the pain and agony of having been told that a tubal ligation is the best option for pregnancy prevention only to find out that the side effects are terrible, painful, and far worse than that of any birth control on the market. Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome or PTLS is a condition that arises in some women following a tubal ligation performed by a doctor to prevent pregnancy. Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome comes with a list of more than 40 side effects that range from moderate to severe. The worst part about it–women are usually ill informed by their doctors about the possibility of PTLS until after the tubal has been performed and it’s just too late!

Mild Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Symptoms

Mild symptoms of PTLS include the possibility of irregular periods, increased mood swings and irritability. Sounds pretty much like PMS right? Unfortunately, unlike the symptoms of PMS, the symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome are around all the time! They don’t just come a few days before or during the menstrual cycle.

Additional mild symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome include bloating, breast tenderness, weight gain and fatigue. So, for those who have had their tubes tied in an effort to prevent the side effects of pregnancy (bloating, breast tenderness, weight gain and fatigue) they are stuck with the same side effects as part of PTLS! Local doctors are just beginning to address the fact that these side effects should be discussed with patients before they sign consent forms for the tubal ligation.

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Moderate Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Symptoms

As if the mild symptoms of PTLS are not bad enough, there are moderate and severe symptoms that go along with this condition as well. Moderate symptoms of Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome include depression, anxiety, memory lapses, and difficulty concentrating as well as a few other mental related conditions.

In addition to the mental instabilities that are associated with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome, there are also more pregnancy like symptoms that come with this condition at the moderate level. Increased gas, nausea, and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) are also possible side effects associated with PTLS following a procedure to have the fallopian tubes tied.

Severe Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome Symptoms

Sever symptoms of this increasingly common condition include ectopic pregnancy (which can be fatal for women), Osteoporosis, Endometriosis, and Uterine prolapse and incontinence. Hormonal imbalances are said to be the primary cause of such symptoms but damaged blood supply to internal organs is also a key factor.

Some other side effects or symptoms associated with Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome include developing ovarian cysts, increased joint pain, pelvic pain, and increased allergies. All of these side effects could warrant the need for additional wellness center visits and possibly medication such as pain medicine, antibiotics, and even the possibility of the need for surgery to fix certain conditions such as ovarian cysts.