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Sugar Vs. Agave

I’ve enjoyed using agave nectar as a sweetener for my cereal for a few years now. I also pour it over pancakes and waffles and I use it in baking and anywhere else I would use sugar or honey. I really enjoy the flavor and it’s great to know that it has so much supposed nutritional value. Agave is not lower in calories than sugar. In fact one teaspoon of agave and one teaspoon of sugar are essentially the same in caloric value–approximately 15-17 calories.

So, why is agave worth mentioning? Well besides the taste, agave is considered an extremely low glycemic sugar alternative. This means it is safe for diabetics to use as a sweetener; while at the same time being at least 4 times sweeter than everyday sugar. This is amazing news.

Agave is also 100% natural. It is important to select a brand of agave that contains no artificial ingredients or fillers. Some agave claims to have these attributes but is labeled incorrectly. Volcanic nectar is one brand of Agave that I know of that claims to have been “tested in the United States by an FDA recognized company to have a Glycemic Index of 27!

You can find their products at: http://www.volcanicnectar.com/

I’m sure that you can find other agave products that adhere to excellent standards of production. It’s just important to insure that you do get the highest quality products when you are purchasing a natural, unregulated food, herb or supplement product. This is important for your safety and the safety of your loved ones.

Some of the named benefits of agave are:

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it is safe for diabetics.

it contains healthy bacteria in the form of Insulins which are naturally occurring oligosaccharides that are healthy for your digestive sys

it mproves the functioning of the gall bladder by breaking down fats easier.

it helps remove the blockages in the arteries associated with high cholesterol levels.Agave comes in both a light and dark version. Some believe that the light version has more nutritional value, but studies have shown that the darker has only more beta carotene. The lighter version is much better in taste. The dark is very bitter. But, your choice of product to use should be determined by personal preference.

Sugar (sucrose) is a carbohydrate that occurs in all fruits and vegetables. It is created when plants transform sugar energy into food by a process called photosynthesis. The largest supply of sugar comes from sugar cane and sugar beets. There are no nutrients in sugar save that it is a carbohydrate. Carbohydrates are important because they supply energy to the body. Sometimes small amounts of vitamins and minerals can be present in sugar, but that is mostly accidental and not worth noting. Sugar’s main benefit is that it’s absolutely delicious. It also plays a key role in baking by accelerating the yeast process. But, many baked foods can be created without sugar. They would taste a bit different using agave, but they would still be delicious.

Many health proponents are curious about raw sugar and turbinado sugar as substitutes for standard sugar. Unfortunately, they are not that much more healthy than table sugar. The FDA determined raw sugar completely unsafe for human consumption because of it’s impurities. And, turbinado is raw sugar that has been refined enough for human consumption. But, it is said to be very close to table sugar in it’s makeup. Brown sugar is simply sugar coated in molasses. I don’t think I even have to break that one down.

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As far as my personal preference goes, I like agave. I think it has great health benefits. Diabetes also runs in my family, though I don’t have it. Because of this, I appreciate a product that is safe for a diabetic to use. I find that agave tastes just as delicious as sugar to me and I enjoy using it. I buy it by the gallon. I still eat sugar in processed foods like ice cream, cake, restaurant desserts etc. But, at home; I prefer agave.
