Karla News

Strong Vpn in China


The Internet in China gets more and more restricted every day. Internet users in China are now constantly looking for a vpn in China. To catch you up to speed as to what a vpn is, and why you may need a vpn in China, it’s basically a way to change you ip address to that you can access blocked websites. Strong vpn in China is one of the leading companies to provide a reliable and inexpensive service for it’s customers. What are some reasons you may need a vpn in China, and why might you want strong vpn as your choice of vpn server?

Without a vpn in China, you will have limited access to the internet. Duh. If you’re in China already this isn’t news to you. If you’re planning on coming soon, get ready. It’s not just the porn and China news sites that are blocked. You’ll find that they seem to block everything from radio stations, Facebook, blogs, and other things that seem to have to rhyme or reason. Without a vpn in China, you may find that 20 to thirty percent of the sites you’re trying to surf are going to be inaccessible.

Another reason you may need a vpn in China is internet security. It’s no secret that the Chinese government is trying hard to control what comes in and out of their country, and keeps a tight fist on what Chinese citizens can and can’t view on the internet. A vpn in China will ensure that they can’t see where you go and what you do. Ok, They’re not going to bust down your door in the middle of the night if they find out that you’re watching porn or complaining about your Chinese boss. You don’t have to use code when you google-chat with your friends back home.

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The point is that they can check up on you, and a vpn in China will prevent that.

Now, with the continuous blocking of pretty much everything google and streaming, vpn companies have been popping up all over the place and it’s difficult to know which company to use without a decent amount of research. My personal experience is that Strong vpn in China is one of the better vpn companies. Why? The main thee principles of a vpn service are price, service, and speed. Strong vpn meets all these criteria and you’ll see them get flying stars on every vpn review site out there.

When selecting a vpn in China, especially if you’re new to the game, a lot of vpn jargon can be confusing but in the end, it’s really not that important. Once you’re on the Strong vpn site an operator can get you hooked up right away once you fill them in on your details.

The service they offer is fantastic if you consider that for just about seven dollars a month (less that 50 RMB) you can surf like you were back at home. The better vpns available won’t slow your down your internet speeds and in some case can actually increase them!
