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Slow Down! August 28th is World Sauntering Day

How will you get around today? Are you in a hurry? Do you rush, hop, skip or run to your destination? Well, slow down folks because today is World Sauntering Day!

Today you can saunter all you want without anyone asking why you’re “diddly-daddling” – or at least if they do, you’ll have a good excuse. So what does that mean, exactly?

Anyone can saunter. Men and women and even children; people of all ages can learn to mosey along. Meander your way through the day in leisure from here to there and everywhere because today is World Sauntering Day. This is your one chance to roam, rove and ruminate all you please.

Originally held on June 19th, the holiday is now celebrated on August 28th. Its origins trace back to the 1970s and a Public Relations Director of a hotel at Mackinac Island, Michigan named W.T. Rabe. Rabe was well known in the area for his creative publicity stunts but this would be one that would catch on and gain great popularity.

So, just how does one saunter?

A saunter is like a form of strolling. It means to walk leisurely and with a relaxed, unhurried gait. Practice it. Go ahead, try it out now. Get up from your computer and saunter around the room. Then come on back and read the rest of this article. Take your time.

Are you back?

Ok, let’s continue.

We can also take this special holiday and look at it in a less literal term. Think about your life for a few moments. How would you describe the pace with which you travel through your days? Are you always in a rush, never taking time to “stop and smell the roses”?

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Life is often more enjoyable when you take time to saunter through it. You’ll love it even more if you saunter along with friends and family. Let this day be a day to remind you to spend time with friends and family. Let them know how much you care about them and listen to them. Ask questions about their day and allow them to share with you.

We live in a fast-paced world and sometimes we have to run to catch up but whenever possible, we need to take time to saunter a bit and enjoy just being alive.

This isn’t to say there aren’t times and situations that call for a more hurried pace. The trick is to learn to distinguish these situations from the rest of life and saunter whenever you are able.

While we can’t all stroll through life as if we don’t have a care in the world, we can make time to slow down and enjoy our surroundings. Take time to recognize achievements and to celebrate even the smallest of victories. It will make life that much more enjoyable!

Today in honor of World Sauntering Day, take your time and saunter wherever you go.