Karla News

Skull Bong Texas Teens Busted: What a Head Trip!

In Texas three teenagers were arrested on Wednesday for digging up a 1921 grave belonging to 11-year-old Billy Simms, and for turning Billy’s skull into a marijuana skull bong to smoke pot out of. The boys: Matthew Richard Gonzalez 17, Kevin Wade Jones 17, and an unnamed 16-year-old friend admitted to the grave robbery and skull bong craft project after Jones was questioned somehow in relation to a stolen credit card issue.

The khou.com Web site has been releasing new information about this skull bong story since yesterday, with updates happening about the skull bong details being updated their online article. Click here to read the latest about this skull bong issue, and see the videos about this skull bong issue at the khou.com site.

After reading the initial skull bong story from khou.com last night, I did some searching and found that the act of grave digging for the purpose of getting a head to make a marijuana skull bong pipe is not a new issue. In 2006, a gothic loving 18-year-old boy from Morrisville, Vermont went to jail for up to 7-years for doing the same skull bong crime as these current Texas teens just did.

Associated with the 2006 Vermont skull bong case, there are chat boards online under the gothic genre who are still carrying 2006 comments about that skull bong case as it was breaking in the news. These comments were interesting to me, and ranged from people being totally appalled by thoughts of using a human skull bong to smoke out of; to those who were looking for instructions on how they could make their own skull bong. (Click here to read some interesting 2006 skull bong comments on gothic.net site.)

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The whole issue of digging up corpses to retrieve parts to be used in personal home displays, or to be used in personal art projects like this skull bong, leaves me a bit disturbed. Whenever our media reports on a morbid issue or unusual murder, copycat people race out to do the same type of crime. Are we going to be seeing a rash of children’s graves dug up for skull bong projects in the coming weeks? Ugh.

Hey Goth’s? Listen to Momma Maxx for a minute. This skull bong craft idea is old news. It’s been done. We’ve seen it. We don’t care any more. If you need a great craft project idea for a rainy day, why not take my challenge and turn your refrigerator into a coffin?

Yea… Make me a really cool fridge that works, but that also looks like a coffin standing in the corner of your kitchen. Maybe you can even sell a few to your friends? That’s a much better craft idea than some silly old skull bong. It takes talent to make a fridge coffin. People respect talent. Why go to jail for a skull bong when you can have respect for your talents instead?

Hey, I’ll even get you started on this not skull bong – coffin fridge project:

Step One: Cover the outside of the fridge with weathered old boards into the shape of a coffin. Glue these down with Liquid Nails.

Step Two: Paint your coffin fridge boards into a nice shade of washable black.

Step Three: Read up on making jewelry in wax. Make your own coffin handles, and other metal decorations for your coffin fridge in really cool Gothic shapes.

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Step Four: Add a little ketchup spill under the door to your coffin fridge for a final touch.
