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Signs of Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

There are so many possible signs of bed bugs. Even so, bed bugs are not easy to spot because they are very small and flat enabling them to hide into deep corners of the bed. They are also nocturnal, so unless you are awake by then, it is quite impossible to spot them. As if that is not enough, they are also translucent before feeding which makes it almost invisible to the naked eye. That is why it is important to watch for signs of bed bugs so you can easily treat them. Get The Fool Proof Signs Of Bed Bugs

The first sign to look out for is the bites since they like feeding on human blood. It might be on areas with lesser body hair because they are not so fond of hair. At the first sign of a bite that does not resemble a mosquito bite, you should have it examined by your doctor. The second sign to look out for is drops of blood around your pillow or headboard since that is where they normally hide. This is one of the easiest signs of bed bugs to spot. You should also look for fecal remnants from the bed bugs that resemble small drops of pepper. They also shed off skin as they develop into their adult form. Blood drops, feces, and peeled off skin are the best indicator of bed bugs. If you are able to spot them in the naked eye, they are less than an inch, even in their adult form and has round and flat bodies. They are more translucent when they are younger and turns into a darker color when they have fed. What To Do After Identifying The Signs of Bed Bugs

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Knowing the signs of bed bugs is just the first step. You should examine your bedsheets and pillow cases for these signs. You should also examine headboards and every corner of your bed. You have to consult with a pest control expert as to which treatment is more suitable for your room. In worse scenario you might even have to replace your mattress and other equipment.

Without the proper caution, even if bed bugs are removed safely it is possible to have them come back. It is important to only use eco-friendly bed bug killer. Bed bugs were less of a problem when DDT was used to kill them, but with such negative ramifications to the earth and living animals – not to mention humans, that practice has been stopped. Being able to accurately identify the signs of bed bugs will allow you to take action when needed. Many times all that you must do is get the right bed bug killer to safely remove them for good from your home. If they ever come back then reuse that trusted solution. With all the problems NYC and the east coast has been having with bed bugs it is essential you are able to find out as soon as your house is infected.