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Should I Pay for My Bridesmaid’s Hair?


He proposed, and you said yes. You’re getting married! You’ve booked the photographer, selected a beautiful wedding dress and decided between bubbles and birdseed. And, of course, you’ve asked your closest friends to be your bridesmaids. They’ve encouraged you through life’s ups and downs, and you want them by your side on your wedding day.

You want the wedding to be beautiful. You need every detail to be just right, after all it is one of the biggest days of your life. And that means you want your bridesmaids to have elegant hairstyles. But, who should pay for the bridesmaid’s hair?

If you are stressed about this, you’re not alone. In fact, some of the top searches on Yahoo are “who should pay for bridesmaid dresses” and “should the bride pay for the bridesmaids’ hair and makeup.”

In reality, every wedding is different. Some brides pay for the bridesmaids’ dresses, shoes, makeup, hair and even jewelry. They also pay hotel room and travel expenses. But, in some wedding parties, the bridal attendant pays for everything, and the total cost could be more than $500. And, lets not forget that bridesmaids are expected to finance the bridal shower and bachelorette party.

Bridesmaid hairstyles are expensive. In most areas, the minimum runs at least $40, and can be as high as $75 per person. If you have four bridesmaids, that can mean an additional $250 or more.

But, really, in the grand scheme of things, $250 is not much for a wedding budget. After all, your dress was close to a grand, and the photographer could be charging more than you earn in a month.

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Ultimately, it is your choice on whether to pay for your bridesmaids’ hair. However, you should factor in several things before making a decision. One would be the value of your friendship. Is a few hundred dollars worth it to even slightly burden your bridesmaids, possibly putting a rift in the friendship? Ask yourself how you would feel if you were a bridesmaid.

Also, you should factor in your bridesmaid’s situations. If they are all in college and only work part-time minimum wage jobs, it is somewhat unfair to expect them to pay. You should either pay it, or let them do their own hair.

If possible, try to make some changes to your budget before asking your bridesmaids to pay for their hair. This is especially the case if they are throwing you a shower and/or bachelorette party.

Another issue to consider, is if you pay, you might have more of a say into the hairstyles. You run the risk of being called a bridezilla if you ask them to pay, and demand they wear their hair a certain way.

If you simply cannot make any changes to your budget, find ways to get some additional funds. For example, you could have a garage sale, or sell your old prom dress on eBay. You could even trim your current grocery bill and temporarily cancel frequent manicures. You could try to live more frugally, perhaps using coupons or even changing your shampoo brand. For additional ideas, read “How to Make Money Fast: 5 Ways to Earn Money Quickly.

Of course, you could find someone to do the hair at a reduced rate or even for free. Perhaps your fiance’s sister’s college roommate enjoys doing hair and would do it in exchange for a small gift. Or, maybe your aunt is a hairstylist and will provide the hairstyles as a wedding gift to you. She may be thrilled to be part of your special day.

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Some may even say it is rude to not pay for your bridesmaid’s hair. However, in most cases it is not rude or tacky. But, it can be an unpleasant issue for the bridesmaids. In the end, if you do expect them to foot the bill, it is okay. Many happy bridesmaids have paid for their hairstyles. And, yes, the friendships still flourish.

In conclusion, it is your personal choice to pay or not pay for your bridesmaids’ hair. But, if you can afford it, please offer. It is a courteous gesture.

For more wedding advice, try asking on forums just for brides. Read “Top Websites for Brides: Online Resources to Help You Plan Your Wedding.” Click here to read it. For gift suggestions, read “What Should I Buy My Bridesmaids?” Also, take a look at “Tips for Using Your Wedding Gift Money Wisely.

Congratulations! Happy Wedding Planning!
