Karla News

Shania Twain’s Best Friend in Affair with Husband Mutt Lange


Shania Twain and producer/husband Mutt Lange are reportedly divorcing amidst allegations of Mutt cheating on her with the manager of their Swiss chalet, Mary Ann Thiebaud. What’s worse is that Mary Ann also happens to be Shania’s best friend.

Fans of Shania’s pop-country style of music have been all atwitter over the news of her divorce from Mutt. But now they’ll have even more to be upset about. On May 22nd, news magazine Inside

Edition reported that “other woman” Mary Ann Thiebaud, along with being Shania and Mutt’s secretary and manager of their Swiss home, also happens to be Shania’s close friend. Their families reportedly even vacationed together.

If this is true, I really do feel very sorry for Shania Twain. Nothing could be worse than being betrayed not only by the man you loved and trusted, but also by the best friend that you loved and trusted. Poor Shania!

Maybe it’s just that many men simply like to cheat. Now that may be unfair to say in light of the many faithful men out there. I have a faithful one, myself. I think.

But we’ve all heard the statistics… according to www.womansavers.com up to 70% of men have cheated at least once on their wives. And women are catching up to them, as well.

But why would any man cheat on Shania Twain?

Or as my husband said upon hearing the news, “You mean now she’s available!!?” Very funny.

No matter how beautiful a man’s wife might be, he can still have his head turned by somebody else. Now, I know there’s two sides to every story.

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If a marriage isn’t solid, or if one partner isn’t getting his (or her) needs met, whether emotionally or physically, cheating is more likely to happen. There are many valid reasons why one partner might stray. But after tonight’s news, I can’t help but feel sorry for Shania, and this makes me her “sister” in marital and friendship injustices.

I had been thinking to myself, “Whoever this other woman is, she probably isn’t anywhere near as pretty as Shania!” I have been feverishly searching for pictures of this “other woman” so I could compare her to Shania, but to no avail. Until tonight-when I saw a picture of her standing next to her best friend Shania.

And for a little while, that turned me into a basher of all men, and a buster of all balls.

I don’t feel too kindly toward some women right now, either. Oh, and for the record, she isn’t as pretty. But looks certainly aren’t everything, are they? Just ask Mutt.

But my indignation begins to wane, and I look for more reasonable explanations. I have always assumed that Shania Twain’s life was perfect, as perfect as her physical attributes seem to be. And therefore, she must be deliriously happy.

But, of course, I don’t know this; how do we know what any famous person’s life is really like? Like a celebrity’s airbrushed image, their real life is probably not as wonderful as it’s imagined by the public.

And who knows what really goes on in anybody else’s home, famous or not? It may very well be true that, as Mutt Lange said in his public statement, both he and Shania have been “drifting apart for years now,” and so marital infidelity may be a moot point.

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But couldn’t he have picked someone other than his wife’s best friend?

Shania has been quoted as saying that she and her husband are very different people.

Maybe Mutt and his secretary are are more compatible than he and Shania are; it also has been reported that Mary Ann left her husband for Mutt.

Maybe this is true love.

Maybe Mutt’s a dog.

Maybe, without intending to, Mutt began to feel closer to someone else who wasn’t his wife. Maybe close proximity prompted intimacy between Mutt and his secretary/manager.

Maybe Shania and Mutt’s marriage was never really more than a collaboration between a manager and someone he made into a star.

Although Shania sure looks sexy, maybe she isn’t. Most men cheat on their wives for sex they can’t get from their wives.

Maybe as a young mother, like many young mothers, Shania’s priorities shifted from her husband to her child.

Maybe Mutt needs a lot of attention.

Maybe it’s really true what the media is reporting, that Shania is “just devastated,” because this “came out of nowhere.” That sure makes sense now that we know that the other woman is Shania’s’ best friend.

Finally, my thoughts turn toward Shania and Mutt’s young son Eja. Divorce has a devastating effect on children, imagine how much more so it must be when you have famous parents, and the entire world is watching?

Imagine having to explain to Eja why his father is now with “Aunt Mary Ann,” mom’s best buddy.

Make Mutt handle that one, Shania!



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