Karla News

Self Tanner Review: Tan Towel

Are you digging out your shorts and cute capri pants only to shy away from wearing them because you have winter white legs? Are you looking for a fast, no fuss way to get golden bronze in a couple of hours? Tan Towels is the answer you have been waiting for. Put it on after your morning shower and by lunch you will look like you have just returned from the Tropics. I have been using Tan Towels for over 4 years and I love it. I have tried self-tanners before and have the very funny, but scary stories to share. I even have pictures where I could be the twin of Orange Crush. I have turned orange, experienced streaking, uneven tanning where my elbows, knuckles, and knees all came out looking darker than the rest of me. I have done it all in search of that perfect sun kissed look. Give up the expense and inconvenience of going to the tanning beds and upgrade to a great new solution to get that golden color.


· The towels allow for even application. No streaking, no missed spots, just a full, even tan
· Wait time of 15 minutes once you have applied the self-tanner towels before you can dress
· Goes on clear and dries clear
· No smelly odors
· Tan will develop over a few hours (2-4)
· Reasonable cost

Tips for Applying

I have learned through trial and error that the best way to apply the tan towel solution is by sliding the towel up and down evenly and making sure you cover every inch. You don’t want to put on a pair of shorts and have an entire section of your leg still pasty white. So pay attention when applying to ensure you cover all areas. A round your wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and knuckles, I would apply the tan towel solution and then take a light body lotion and rub in the lotion in those same areas to avoid getting too dark or streaky in those tricky areas. Hydrated skin will take the tan the best. If you have really dry skin, I would recommend exfoliating before applying the tan towel. I would also suggest using the tan towel solution two consecutive days in a row to get full, even coverage. You may miss a few little areas on the first application and you will want to have two full days of using this product under your belt before heading out in public showing off your new tan.

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There are several additional products available in the Tan Towel line that will help to extend your tan or expedite the tanning process. You can purchase the self-tanner system on www.hsn.com or www.drugstore.com

Tan Towels is featured on HSN on May 16th as the Today’s Special Value. It is a 19 piece kit and one of the best values I have seen in Tan Towel history.