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Search for Truth II: Bible Study

This is for all the readers. I would like to say in all honesty and in open heart. This information is not to belittle or degrade your own religious beliefs. I believe, as a Christian, that it is out duty to love, read the Word of God and to encourage others. It is also our duty to “study to shew thyself approved unto God. A workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. II Titus 2:15

We’ve all been there. You pick up your bible, you open it to no certain page and you begin to read. While reading, you begin to realize that you have read almost an entire chapter without any understanding. “This one begat that one” and so forth. One great way to really read and understand The Bible is to order a copy of Search for Truth II. The Search for Truth II Teacher’s manual is an exhaustive book on the order of The Bible and history. You can order a picture chart as well. The picture chart will guide you as you read the manual. This material will broaden your knowledge of The Bible. It will also place everything in order. I would also recommend finding a church that preaches God’s word. If you are being told something and it is not written in the Word, challenge it! Jesus said for us to, “Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me”. How great it would be for many people if they could understand The Word of God. Search for Truth II will open up history as well. You will learn more truth on creation, the overall plan that God has put in place, why baptism was changed, what God’s name really is, and how to actually “obey” The Gospel.

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The Gospel is about death, burial, and resurrection. One might ask, “how can anyone obey death, burial, and resurrection”? It’s very simple. Search for Truth II will guide you on a journey into what God really wants from people and not what we guess. The most important find in Search for Truth II is The Gospel message. I will explain, as a bonus, The Gospel. Hopefully, you will want to order Search for Truth II and read it for yourself. The Gospel message is quite a simple one. If God is the same yesterday, today and forever, then He never changed. We did. God’s plan of salvation can be shown first, in the tabernacle. The tabernacle was built by Moses under specific orders from God himself. The order of the tabernacle was: The Brazen Altar (death), The Brazen Laver (burial), and The Holy of Holies where The Ark of the Covenant sat (resurrection). God came to earth, robed in flesh, and obeyed his own plan. He was sacrificed for our sins on the cross (death), He was buried in the tomb (burial), and He resurrected on the third day (resurrection).

It should also be noted that Jesus was baptized “to fulfill all righteousness”. If Jesus is our example and He did it we should do it as well. We must “obey” this glorious Gospel message. If you go to The Book of Acts in the Bible, you will learn the Church history and how people received salvation. You must believe the message and repent of your sins (death), you must be baptized in the Name of Jesus for remission of your sins (burial), and you must be filled with The Holyghost (resurrection). When you have obeyed the Gospel you are bought with a price and you are now God’s children. God has not only put his name on you, He has also filled you with His own Spirit to live within you, guide you, and to change you at His coming. Blow the dust off of that book of old and learn the true nature of God. Behold, He comes quickly. Thank you all and I hope this article finds you well.

See also  The Disbelief of God
