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Review: Lentek Bark Free

We have a hand held bark free remote that works really well. The only problem with that though is that you have to carry it with you whenever you go out because as soon as you come in to the house, the dogs bark.

We also know they bark when we are not home, so we were looking for some sort of a solution to kick the barking habit.

The Lentek Bark Free Deviceseemed to be a good solution to the problem, but the device is meant to only be used outdoors. We figured we would purchase it anyway, and use it for outside, and buy something else for inside. They tend to bark a lot no matter where they are, so having them shut their yappers while lounging out back sounded too good to be true.

Warnings state to NOT use the Lentek inside! I actually came across idiot pet owners who didn’t follow directions, and placed this device inside, which is just stupid.

The Lentek has speakers that will pick up barking. It will let off a very loud beeping sound, which shuts the dog up. You can set it to ultrasound which your ears won’t be able to pick up, but the dogs will.

More or less the sounds are to distract the dog from barking. It’s an uncomfortable sound for them, so they will stop barking and focus more on getting away from the sound.

The whole concept seemed excellent on paper, and I couldn’t wait to get the Lentek home to try it out in our backyard.

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Inside of the box, the Lentek came with a really ridiculous method of protecting the unit from rain. A small plastic hood is supposed to protect the electronic from the elements! Please! I don’t recommend leaving it outside at all, as it will likely get ruined when it rains, even with the plastic protector slip.

The plug is really long, so it gives you the option to set it up outside and move it around to your liking. The unit also has an adjustment dial so you could set the frequency of the units ability to pick up sounds. High sensitivity will cause the unit to beep at the smallest of barking, while lower frequency’s will only activate the unit when the barking is loud.

I set it up at a high sensitivity level at first to see how well it worked. After setting it up and hanging it from our fence, I let the dogs out. They went on with their natural annoying barks, till finally the Lentek Bar Free activated with a loud alarm like beeping.

I hated the sound myself, and I knew the dogs would hate it too.

They did. Instantly the barking stopped, which was a pleasant surprise. The only downside to this though is that the high pitch alarm is just as bothersome as the barking is.

I planned on keeping it on regardless though, because I figured eventually the dogs would just ‘know’ not to bark, and I could turn the unit off all together.

Unfortunately after just a few short days, the dogs grew to ignore the alarm, and would continue to bark over it. While it worked for the first day or 2, the dogs got used to it, and didn’t care about the loud annoying alarm.

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The ultra sound setting is also very useless, as they did not respond to it at all on day 1. When it is activated I was able to hear a very small click sound, but nothing else. The click sound obviously is not enough to get the dogs attention, nor is it bothersome enough for them to stop barking.


Unfortunately for me, the Lentek only worked for 2 days, and after that the dogs stopped caring about the alarm sound. I eventually had to unplug it, because the alarm was more annoying then the barking.