Karla News

Returning to Work – A Stay at Home Mom’s Guide to Job Hunting

One of the biggest choices a mother must make once leaving the hospital is the decision to go back to work or to stay home. There are questions to be answered, can we afford for me to stay home? Will my child suffer if I am gone? Will I be able to handle not working? What about breastfeeding?

If you have answered those questions and found yourself at home with your child, you know what a blessing it can be to witness every precious moment in your child’s life. But after some time, staying at home can begin to wear thin, especially if you do not have a social schedule to follow.

I found myself in this position. Two years after staying home, I decided it was time for me to get out of the house once or twice a week, and that it would be useful to put my son in an educational, social and fun program for toddlers. After making the decision, however, I had no idea where to start. When you leave the workplace for a while, going back can be daunting. These are the tips I have to give of advice that got me through the application, interviewing and hiring process.

Renew your resume

A great place to start is where you left off. Knowing you have been out of a working environment for a time can make returning intimidating, and even more so if you cannot remember what qualified you to work in the past.

Making a new resume will allow you to review your past jobs and what skills those jobs gave you. It is the easiest way to boost your confidence while giving you a better shot at getting your job.

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Avoid templates, resumes that are too long, and make sure you don’t hit that thesaurus button too many times, you will likely be asked questions about your resume and you do not want to be caught not knowing what one of those fancier terms for “willing” is.


Start looking for the kind of job you will be most happy in. If that means working around customers in retail or cold-calling in an office, look for those jobs. If you have the means and the time, shop around for your job. Be completely content in your choice, it will help you relax.

Buy a fabulous pair of shoes

Nothing boost confidence like walking into a room with a secret weapon, and feeling great can be your weapon! Finding something you love, whether it’s shoes or a new shirt or a new piece of jewelry, and wear it to your interview. Remember that you deserve the best, and that includes your job, as well!

Fake it til you make it!

As cliché as it is, it is some of the best advice that can be given. If you walk in to an interview and feel those butterflies, keep them inside! A calm demeanor can mean more to an employer than answering how often you have been late to work in the last year. And if you do get that question, laugh and inform your interviewer mom’s don’t get sick days!

Above all, remember if one job doesn’t work out, another will. Treasure the extra time with your child and don’t get discouraged. Life works in funny ways, maybe your dream job is one more interview away!