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Rectovaginal Fistula Symptoms

Pain During Sex, Utis, Vaginal Infections

A rectovaginal fistula is when there is an “abnormal connection” between the vagina and rectum, according to the Mayo Clinic. The condition is fairly rare. Some of the possible causes include Crohn’s Disease, childbirth, pelvic radiation, and certain types of surgeries, such as a hysterectomy. All women should be aware of the possible symptoms of rectovaginal fistula.

Stool and Odorous Vaginal Discharge

Women who notice that they are passing stool from the vagina are likely suffering from a rectovaginal fistula. Some women may only notice tiny amounts of stool when they use toilet paper in the vaginal area, while others may notice themselves passing larger stools. A rectovaginal fistula may also cause a pussy discharge, which may have a stool odor.

Vaginal Gas

Sufferers of a rectovaginal fistula may notice that they are passing gas through the vagina. This is not the same thing as vaginal flatulence, which generally happens during or after sexual intercourse and occurs when air becomes trapped in the uterus. One of the ways to tell the difference is whether or not you notice an odor. Since vaginal flatulence is not actually gas, it will not be foul-scented. If there is a gassy odor, a rectovaginal fistula is likely to blame.

Recurring Vaginal and Urinary Tract Infections

Women who experience recurring vaginal infections, such as bacterial vaginosis, and urinary tract infections (UTIs) may be suffering from a rectovaginal fistula. That said, it is important to keep in mind that there are many other possible causes of both vaginal infections and UTIs. Experiencing recurring infections without any other symptoms of a rectovaginal fistula is not enough to believe that you could be suffering from this problem.

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Pain and Irritation in the Vaginal and Rectal Area

Rectovaginal fistula sufferers are likely to experience pain and/or irritation in the vaginal and rectal areas. Women are likely to experience pain or irritation in the vaginal or vulva areas. They may also notice pain or irritation in the perineum area which, according to the Mayo Clinic, is the space between the vagina and anus.

Pain During Sex

A rectovaginal fistula can cause women to experience pain during sexual intercourse or other sexual activities. It is important to keep in mind that there are many other possible causes of pain during sex, including sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections. Before jumping to conclusions, be sure to talk to your doctor. Pain during sex without any of the other symptoms mentioned above is not reason enough to suspect that you may have a rectovaginal fistula.

Any woman who suspects that she may have a rectovaginal fistula should be sure to visit her gynecologist right away. Medication for any infection and surgery is generally necessary to treat the problem.

Disclaimer: This article is intended for educational purposes only. It should not replace the diagnosis or treatment of a licensed healthcare professional.


Mayo Clinic, “Rectovaginal fistula.