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Quick Guide on Ring Worms in Humans

Ringworm, Tinea

Tinea Corporis is also known as ringworms. This is a skin disease that is communicable from furry animals to humans. It is also transferred from humans to humans.

If you use a common comb, towel or underwear of the infected person, you are likely to contract this infection. It is an infection caused by fungi known as dermatophytes. This fungi feed on dead skin and dead hair cells.

Ring worms in humans first starts like a pimple and then gradually spreads into a small circle. It gets its name as ringworm because the affected circle becomes red and is swollen at the edges. It looks like a worm under your skin. As the infection spreads, the circle becomes larger and larger. The spread of the infection maybe at a different place as well.

The most common areas to be affected by ringworms are the scalp, skin, fingers and toes. It is a disease, which is very troublesome. Itching and formation of a yellowish crust are the other symptoms. Some infections subside by themselves after a few days. However, unfortunately ringworm is not like that. It is a fungal infection that must be treated at once. Left unattended, it could increase a lot and spread all over the body. The itching may be too much to bear and if you scratch, it will end up in cracks and lesions.

The infection, if visible to others may cause you both shame and discomfort. It is a social stigma and people at times can be pretty rude. They will avoid you and may not permit you to enter a swimming pool or participate in other group activities where physical contact is a must.

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If you have pets, it is a must to get them dewormed at regular intervals. Your protection against ringworm is to lead a hygienic life. Wear gloves when handling infected pets and their toys. Avoid using common objects. Go to a doctor if you have something like ringworm. Don’t let the disease grow at any cost. Sometimes, all the symptoms appear after a long time, you contract the disease and so a visit to the doctor is a must.

Buy medicines prescribed by a regular medical practitioner only. It may be an ointment or anti fungal cures like Fungrx. Then use it, until you are cured of it entirely.

Ringworms of the scalp come from combs that have been shared. There are various antifungal shampoos available at the chemists. These shampoos will rid you of the worm. The worm causes a temporary baldness in the affected area. Once the ringworm is cured, the hair will slowly begin to grow in the area.

Don’t let this tiny infection take charge of your life. Try out the various products available and rid yourself of this fungal infection. Personal hygiene and the hygiene of your pet are the best ways to avoid ring worms in humans.