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Product Review: Nokia 6133 Cell Phone


After owning a RAZR, I am loving my Nokia 6133. It is so far the best cell phone that I have ever used. It comes with the most features for the best price. There are a few drawbacks, but the phone’s strong points definitely overpower its weaknesses. I won’t bore you with the specific details about size and weight; let me tell you just what I find most relevant in evaluating this device.

Exterior Design

While it does not compare to the slimness of the RAZR, the Nokia 6133 is still quite compact. It is lightweight and not unattractive, though it is not the sexiest of phones. The exterior is black and rubbery with chrome highlights. I would personally prefer if it were available in other colors. The top panel of this flip phone isn’t quite as long as the bottom one, so a little lip sticks out at the phone. I find this kind of odd. I am used to opening a flip phone the traditional way, but with the Nokia 6133’s design, it’s not that easy to get your fingers under there to flip it open. Instead, it comes with a very convenient opening mechanism: a little button on the right top of the phone that makes one-hand use a breeze. The camera button is far too easy to push on accident, and this is annoying. While some don’t like the placement of the mini-SD card slot, I like that the holes and slots for various things are inconspicuous. It makes the phone look more simple.


I liked the keypad design. The keys are just the right size, and my fingers don’t slip all over the keypad when I’m dialing. I prefer them to the flat design of the RAZR. The number pad lights up a bright, attractive blue when a key is pushed, so dialing in the dark is easy. The upper buttons are also illuminated, with the send and cancel buttons green and red, respectively.

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The phone seems much more well-made and less flimsy than other models, such as the popular RAZR which I once owned. I imagine it will stand up to wear and tear very nicely. Its rubbery exterior should prevent scratching.

The Screens

Both are bright and brilliant. The color and picture quality is wonderful. The screens are what we have come to expect from Nokia. I personally like that a different picture can be chosen for each screen. The screens seem less prone to scratching and dust collecting than other models, too.

Ease of Use

From the quick-open button to the well-designed menus, this phone is a piece of cake to operate. Customizing the phone was a breeze, and so was programming in my data. I can access six of my favorite features from the menu with the press of only a single button. The features are well-organized and easy to locate within the menu. Dialing and messaging is a snap. It takes a while to get used to using this phone if it’s your first Nokia in a while, but within a few days, you’ll feel like a pro.


I can hear people loud and clear on this phone. Unfortunately, I have had problems with calls being dropped in places where my RAZR worked just fine. I have yet to pick up any interference or static during conversations, though.


This phone is loaded with features. The organizer includes a calendar, to-do list, even a translator and world clock. It includes two games, Midnight Bowling and Snake III. I’ve enjoyed playing both; they are easy and entertaining. Using the camera and its various features, such as zoom, is easy. It takes good quality photos for a cell phone camera. I was very impressed with this little camera. Unfortunately if you are too close to something or in bad lighting, the pictures may come out gritty or with lines through them. The radio has very good reception and picks up stations that other devices in my home can’t detect. The built-in music player recognizes MP3 and various other audio formats. The loudspeaker is awesome; I can hear people loud and clear, and they can hear me even if I’m a few feet from the phone. It’s Bluetooth enabled, but I can’t afford a Bluetooth kit–so you’re on your own with that!

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I’ve had some reception problems. The phone is not that stylish. You can’t use downloaded mp3s as ring tones. It’s annoying having to put on the headphones before I can use the radio, rather than being able to have it automatically go to loudspeaker if I want.

Overall, I would give this phone a rating of 5! This phone is very inexpensive, costing me only about $50 through T-mobile. It has as many features as some of the more expensive phones, and they work just as well. Screen clarity is excellent, and the sound quality is great. I found the phone easy to use and have had a lot of fun with it. I would recommend it to anyone that wants a functional, quality phone without spending a huge wad of cash. It comes with headphones and a charger, and that’s all I’ve needed. There are a few things about it that I would change, but I am happy with the purchase!