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Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Amazing Animals, Rainforest

Book for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Amazing Animals: Rainforest Romp by Tony Mitton

Reading Center for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Fill your preschool reading center with books about the animals, birds and plants that live in the rainforest.

Snacks for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Rainforest trail mix: Mix ingredients such as shredded coconut, small nuts, chocolate chips, raisins, and bits of dried mango and bananas.

Concepts for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Letter: Rr for rainforest
Number: 10 for the 10 letters in the word rainforest
Shape: oval
Color: brown

Fine Motor Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Take your pick of several rainforest coloring pages found here. Let your preschool students hone their fine motor skills by using crayons, markers or watercolor paints to decorate the pages.

Gross Motor Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Swinging from the vines: Hang a thick rope from a tree or playground equipment. Let your preschool students swing from it, like monkeys or Tarzan swinging on a vine.

Note: Monitor the rope as long as it is in reach of your preschool students. Do not take your eyes off of the rope as it might prove to be a hanging or choking hazard. As soon as the activity is completed, remove the rope from the tree or equipment and lock it away.

Art Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Monkey painting: Cut out a monkey from white paper for each of your preschool students. Let them paint the monkeys with brown paint. For an added sensory experience, add thin pieces of string to the paint and let them finger paint the monkeys with the altered brown paint.

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Songs/Finger Plays for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

(sing to the tune of Ten Little Indians)

One little, two little,
Three little monkeys.
Four little, five little,
Six little monkeys.
Seven little, eight little,
Nine little monkeys.
Ten monkeys in the rainforest!

Pre-math Center Activity for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

Set out the letters r-a-i-n-f-o-r-e-s-t that you have previously cut from felt or laminated construction paper. Put out an example of the word rainforest for your students to use as a guide. Have them set out the letters, properly spelling the word rainforest. Instruct your preschool students to count the number of letters in the word rainforest. Now have your preschool students count out 10 green oval shapes to set beneath the 10 lettered word.

Pre-writing Center Activities for Preschool Lesson Plan: Rainforest

For younger students, provide sheets of paper with the letters R and r lightly printed on them. Have the children trace the letters. Do the same with the number 10.

For older students, provide an example of the letters R and r and the number 10. Have the students practice writing the letters and number freehand.

Write the word rainforest on your preschool classroom’s white erase board. Let your students copy the word rainforest on the white board with green dry erase markers.
