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Pillsbury Quick Bread Banana Mix – Review

Banana Bread, Bread Mix, Breakfast Bars, Pillsbury

I am always searching the grocery aisles in pursuit of something new and tasty to start out my morning breakfast commute as well as get my kids something easy and quick to eat during the hectic school week. I am a big fan of bagels, breakfast bars, and fresh fruit but rather burned out on all these items. I went down the cake mix aisle and stumbled upon the Pillsbury Quick bread mixes and picked out the Pillsbury Quick Bread Banana Mix. I picked this particular product as our family enjoys breakfast breads as well as bananas.

Pillsbury Quick Banana Bread Mix Review – Preparation

The decision to purchase this item was pretty much attributed to the ease of preparation. The minute I got home from the store I preheated the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit and started assembling my batter which consisted of the mix, water, a little oil and eggs. The manufacturer provides the consumer with directions on how to bake different sizes of bread loaves or muffins. I am a little burned out with cleaning the muffin pans so I opted for the bread loaf recipe. The total preparation and bake time was completed in as little as one hour as the bread baked while I enjoyed watching a little primetime football. The bread sat on a cooling rack and was served immediately the next morning.

Pillsbury Quick Banana Bread Mix Review – Taste

On day two, we got our verdict on the Pillsbury Quick Banana Bread Mix. The bread was moist but not as moist as banana bread made from scratch. The flavor was pleasing and everyone seemed to enjoy it. We all agreed it was a welcomed relief from the breakfast bar and bagel, but not as good as the homemade version. The bread also made the entire house smell wonderful for a day.

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Pillsbury Quick Banana Bread Mix Review – Price

The cost of purchasing a box of Pillsbury Quick Banana Bread Mix was $2.49 for 28 gram box at my local supermarket. The recipe as stated yields 14 servings which about three breakfasts for four people assuming you don’t exceed the serving size. Assuming one is getting twelve servings that would put the cost at about $.20 per person. That price does not include the cost of eggs and the oil used in preparing the muffins.

Overall I would rate this product as fair. I think it is probably worth taking the time to prepare tastier and moister banana bread from scratch and freezing a few loaves for convenience down the road. The manufacturer recommends adding a ½ cup of real banana and some chopped nuts which would probably make this product taste a little better. I would likely buy Pillsbury Quick Bread Mix again; though perhaps opt for a different flavor to see if it fares better than the banana version.