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Perfect, a Pretty Little Liars Novel, by Sara Shepard

Pretty Little Liars, Sara Shepard

Perfect, by Sara Shepard is the third book in the Pretty Little Liars series. Like the past 2 books that I have read in the series, this one ends with the same sort of bang. Yep, another Rosewood kid looses their life. (or do they!?)

If you don’t recall, I was somewhat disappointed in the cat and mouse type mystery this book had turned into. The whole repetitiveness of it all got too boring for me in Flawless, too quickly. I just wanted answers, and I grew tired of it. I hoped Perfect would add some new juicy drama or twist.

I’m happy to note that it did!

Anyhow, Perfect starts off with ‘A’ once again texting the girls and harassing them. Only this time she seems to have some more information, and seems to enjoy taunting the girls. It is almost as if the mystery A, wants the girls to figure out who Allison’s killer is. In a few chapters she even offered the girls some insightful tips, that seemed more friendly then they did scary.

Spencer has a new problem going on in her life right now that has actually added more drama, and yet another secret for A to share with others. Spencer cheated on some essay. She stole her older sister Melissa’s essay and was announced to win some honorable award. Spencer who simply was trying to finish an essay for class had no idea that it would go this far. So throughout the book Spencer’s main focus is on keeping the secret from her parents. Only A knows about it. A knows about everything somehow, which is somewhat growing more and more unbelievable.

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Either way, Spencer’s new secret is boringly interesting either way. Plus we get to learn more about her and her sister Melissa’s tainted relationship and their past, so it was a nice addition….even though the new secret is sort of lame, and not worth worrying about; in the real world anyhow.

Hanna has probably taken the biggest dip since A began texting everyone. Hanna has put on a ton of weight, and is back to being the same old loser she was when Alison was alive. ‘A’ sabotages Hanna and her best friend Mona’s relationship…not only does Mona drop her as a friend, but she also becomes an enemy. A mean and nasty enemy.

Emily ‘s lesbian secret is also exposed thanks to A. We all know from the last book Flawless, that Emily began to develop huge and deep feelings for her friend Maya. This relationship though had to remain in secret because Emily’s parents are extremely strict people who do not believe or accept gays. When her parents learn about Emily and Maya, she puts Emily in a program called Tree Top… which is supposed to un-gay her. If she does not complete the program and un-gay herself she will be sent away to live with her Aunt in Iowa.

Aria is probably my least favorite character. She is just to promiscuous for me to relate to her. She stole Hanna’s boyfriend, Sean, and at the same time is back messing around with Ezra, her school teacher.
A knows though, and A fixes everything. For me watching Aria suffer at A’s hands made me happy, and I didn’t feel sorry for her.

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Anyhow, with that all aside I will say that readers get a deeper look into what happened the night Allison went missing, and the way things look it is as if the blame is being placed on Spencer. Spencer who can’t seem to remember what happened the night she went chasing after Allison on the night she went missing. Spencer throughout the book is experiencing these dream like clips that keep playing in her memory vault, which leads her to believe that she may be in fact Allison’s killer.

All in all I enjoyed this book a lot more then I did Flawless. Perfect answered some questions, and even offered some new and unexpected twists. At the end though they sort of knocked off a main character, whether this main character lives or dies though is left in the air. I certainly would hope that a main character isn’t truly being knocked out of the series. That would suck… I won’t tell you who though, so you will have to read it and find out.

The last book in the Pretty Little Liars Series will hopefully finally, once and for all reveal who A is. I have been running with the idea that it is Jenna… but I could be so off. I just don’t think Spencer could of done it. But thats how things are left in Perfect, with the possibility that Spencer has a played a part in Ali’s death.

Who knows?

For the answers hopefully Unpredictable; the next novel tells all!

I do though highly recommend Perfect. It’s a great read, and so far my favorite book in the Pretty Little Liars series.

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First Novel: Pretty Little Liars
Second: Flawless