Last fall my not-so-old bagless vacuum started smoking and acting up again. The same day I saw this Oreck in QVC with a canister vacuum and Verilux lamp included for $300 with free shipping.

So I thought it could not be such a bad deal with free shipping and ordered it. I am glad I did! It came well wrapped and with very easy instructions to snap it together. In about 5 minutes after opening the package I was ready to use it. It came with 3 bags and instructions were to get more when needed. I also liked the fresh scent bag you can toss inside your vacuum to make your room smell fresher while you vacuum.

I’m not going to tell you that this is the strongest sucking vacuum I ever owned because it is not. But it is very easy to handle and carry and push while vacuuming. It also works well in any surfaces I have. My 11-year-old son can use it with ease and he actually LIKES vacuuming now!

I was surprised how much you can fit in one bag and even when the bag is getting full this vacuum does not loose suction noticeably. Cord is 25 feet long and I think it is fine, longer cord would just make the vacuum heavier to carry, this way it is easy to change the plug from area to area when needed without getting all tangled up with overlong cord.

There is some issues with corners and by the walls, this vacuum does not suck everything between my carpet and the wall. But it does perform well on deeper carpet and is just awesome in the kitchen with lanolin floor, clean up is a breeze without any scraping on the floor. So I am hooked!

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I’ve used this vacuum now for 4 months without any problems, I’ve change the bag once and clean up those brushes under the vacuum regularly. I have not had anything “stuck” on the way to the bag, this used to be a problem with my bagless models, I was digging crayons, toys and so on all the time from the pipes.

Oh, and this vacuum is MUCH quieter than my Dirt Devil, it has this surring sound instead of loud noise I got so used to.

Another feature worth mentioning is the on/off switch. It is located right on your sturdy handle and you can use it without bending over or trying to locate it if needed, very smart and handy.

This vacuum stands up sturdily and is easy to bend towards you while vacuuming, some other models I’ve had were much stiffer to use.

My vacuum also came with free tune-up for two years meaning that you just register your product and take it to the closest dealer (they give you a 1-800-number to find one) which will replace any needed parts and polish and sanitize and clean your whole vacuum without any cost for you!

Different retailers will offer you different warranties so shop around! I had three color choices, red, blue and white and opted for the white.

You will need the canister vacuum next to this to get the attachment tools and to be able to clean the corners and hard to reach places but for larger areas this vacuum rocks!

Pros: Light and relatively quiet, works without a problem

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Cons: Not most powerful in suction

The Bottom Line:
I can see why Oreck has been in business this long, I love this vacuum!
