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Open a E-store for Free with CometMall.com

Attention small business owners, you too can have an online store, free. Small clothing boutiques, computer stores, and specialty stores can now compete with bigger companies on the internet thanks to CometMall.com.

Founded in 2006, CometMall.com allows you to open your own e-store with zero costs. You will also get a dedicated business e-mail account and other great tools for your online store. They take care of all the technical stuff and back-end support. CometMall will work with you to establish a successful e-store. You are probably wondering how can they give a free e-store? The answer is simple, it is ad supported, there is a small section for ads that they use. The ads will not affect the functioning or appearance of your store. If you want to remove their ads and put your own, you must upgrade to a paid e-store. However, upgrading is up to you and you can keep your free e-store for as long as you want. The only requirement for keeping your free store up and running is that it has to have at least thirty visitors a day. This requirement will be enforced starting after the second month, so you have time to get the word out about your new online store. If your store does not meet this requirement, it may be removed; you might be able to talk your way into getting one more month to get your traffic up. This could be a great opportunity for your small business to grow, at least make more profit.

You will have a flexible catalog and product management with an unlimited number of products and categories. There is a rich set of tools to customize properties like name, price, pictures, and description fro each product. Advance users can use HTML. You can even make special categories like ‘discounts’, ‘hot deals‘, etc…

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Along with regular physical goods, you can sell downloadable products like PDF, music, and other files.

Software for hosted shopping cart is free, so is credit card processing and real time shipping quotes. ready to use third party payment, shipping and other modules like Google Adsense and checkout, Paypal, USPS, etc.

It could not be easier, there is no programming required on your part. You get unlimited store views, and they support multi-language and multi-currency transactions. With CometMall’s backup/restore functionality, you can easily backup and restore your e-store DB, and it makes moving your e-store to another hosting provider or upgrading with CometMall.com much easier.

A basic free e-store plan comes with free design template, a free one-time setup. The URL for your free e-store will look like this http://yourstore.cometmall.net, you can pay to upgrade to your own domain instead of a sub-domain.

The setting up of your online store can take a little as one day, and if you want a custom template, they have affordable packages for professionally custom designing websites. They will even get you a quote. When upgrading to a paid hosting package, it will be through cheap and reliable GoDaddy.com.

So, go check out CometMall.com if you are thinking about opening an online store to go with your physical store.

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