Karla News

NutriPal Snack Bars by Pediasure — This Mother’s New Best Pal

Abbott Laboratories, Fruit Bars, Snack Bars

Just like many of families, we are a family on the go, with school, a few evening errands, festivals and fairs, the museum, the zoo, the library, the park the grocery store and just about everything else in between. With 2 children it can be very difficult to find something that they all like and that I can easily pack for them to take to whatever and wherever we happen to be going. But an offer for a $2.00 off coupons for Pediasure NutriPals has changed all that. These little bars are my new best friend.

Pediasure NutriPals are the latest in the new line of nutritious food snacks especially designed for children age 2-7. These snacks are a product of Abbott Laboratories, the producers of Pedialyte as well as the variety of forms of Similac formula. The NutriPals come in two forms, bars and drinks. The drinks are available in fruited flavors, vanilla and chocolate. The bars are flavored in Strawberry, Blueberry, Mixed Berry, Peanut Butter Chocolate, Strawberry Yogurt, Smores and Peanut Butter and Jelly. They are available in the baby and toddler section of most stores.

I was first introduced to the Pediasure NutriPals by my purchase of their milk type drinks. These drinks seem to have appetizing flavors and I loved that they had a reseal able cap so I could put some away and save it for later. My daughter is going through her “juice only” phase, so I was looking for any ideas that would provide her with the needed vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The drinks are mediocre according to my daughter’s taste buds.

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However, the NutriPals Bars were received differently. Both of my children (age 2 and 1) tried the strawberry yogurt and strawberry flavored bars. The bars are of the consistency of a rice crispy treat and you can see bits of the fruit baked throughout the bar. For the youngest, I have to break them up before she can eat them and I was pleased that they did not crumble up or became a jammy type mess the way that NutraGrain bars do. Both of the girls loved them. They ate them right up. I thought I would give it a try and they are quite tasty. The consistency is nice and crunchy in the mouth, which makes the youngest happy as she is just learning what to do with those brand new teeth. The fruit flavor was consistent throughout the bar and it was not overwhelmingly sweet nor of the grainy flavor that other grain type bars are.

NutriPals provides the following nutritional value according to their information: “PediaSure NutriPals Bars meets or exceed 100% of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for protein and 25 vitamins and minerals for children ages 1-8 in 1000 ml serving and in children 9-13 in a 1500 ml serving and they contain 21 vitamins and minerals plus protein and fiber.” They advertise that these bars are the equivalent of one serving of fruit.

When the fruit bar type of NutriPals is compared to other fruit bars you find that they provide 5 times the amount of protein, 3 times the amount of fiber and more than 2 times the amount of vitamins and minerals of other fruit bars. This data is based on a comparison of a 37 gram. Nutragrain Bar vs. a 40 gram NutriPals bar.

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When you compare the snack bars to a Quaker Chewy Granola Bar you find that NutriPals contain 2 times the amount of protein, 3 times the amount of fiber and 21 times more vitamins and minerals. However, the comparisons are also based on a NutriPals bar at 40 grams and the other bars are smaller at 24 grams. These bars are kosher, they have 0 grams of Trans fat, contain protein and calcium, and antioxidants.

Additional information regarding ingredients and specific label information should be viewed at online at Pediasure, as there are 7 different flavors and you may wish to determine if there are allergies that need to be considered. They come in a box of six, with sealed individual packages that are easily slipped into a lunch box or diaper bag. They don’t even crumble or “smoosh” easily.

Like all friendships, they come with a price, $5.29, which is a little steep for 6 bars of a snack. Divided by the two girls I don’t get far with them. However, they are so filling, that I can actually cut them in half and it gives the girls just enough of a serving that they are happy. You can also visit the website and sign up for future offers and receive a printable $2.00 off coupon (my second round, my first came with my Similac offers). After cutting them in half, I know they are now getting one half of a full serving of fruit, but I am very sure that during another meal of snack I can fill that deficit. After all, kids will almost always eat their fruit. Now, if only Nurti Pals came in a vegetable flavor!

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