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Nutella: A Product Review

Nut Allergies, Nutella

I bought some Nutella for my grandchildren and accidentally discovered that I like it myself. That’s not good considering all of the negative aspects of this flavorful hazelnut spread.

It made by made with skim milk, but its fat and sugar content is a real problem if you are trying to watch your weight like me. That’s why I find it strange that they advertise that it can help provide a “balanced breakfast.”

I purchased the 13 oz jar, which contains approximately 200 servings. A serving size is considered to be 2 T.

There are 200 calories in a single serving, with half of those coming directly from fat. A serving contains 11 g of fat. Of that amount, 3.5 g comes from saturated fat. Luckily, it does not contain any trans fat.

Nutella also has 23 g of carbohydrate and 21 g of sugar. Additionally, it offers 15 mg of sodium. However, it contains no cholesterol.

On the flip side, Nutella does provide 2 g of protein and 1 g of fiber. It also provides 4% of the daily-recommended amount of calcium and iron.

Ingredients include cocoa, hazelnuts, palm oil, regular and skim milk, soy, sugar, vanill artificial flavoring and whey. There are no preservatives. It does not contain any artificial colors.

According to the packaging, Nutella is made with more than 50 hazelnuts. That means that people with nut allergies may need to steer clear of this product.

A pastry maker initially invented Nutella in the 1940’s. An Italian by the name of Mr. Pietro Ferrero came up with the idea of using hazelnuts when cocoa was rationed because of the war. It was a way to flavor his pastries when chocolate wasn’t available.

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Soon Ferrero discovered that many liked to eat the paste from off the pastries because of the chocolate flavor it provided. It was a good substitution given that cocoa at the time cost over six times the amount of Ferrero’s product.

Eventually, Ferrero began marketing the paste on its own so that people could use however they so desired. However, the Nutella name didn’t come about until the mid 60’s.

A staple among European families for over 40 years, the product was finally marketed to the U.S. in 1983. Available in limited locations at the time, the popularity of Nutella eventually led to nationwide distribution. Since then it has become highly popular among children and adults alike.

Nutella became popular for breakfast because children would actually eat it. They were fooled into thinking they were having a real treat instead of the breakfast foods they deplored.

While it may seem foolish to use Nutella just to coax children into eating breakfast, a number of scientific studies, like that conducted by the American Diabetic Association, prove differently. Such studies show that eating breakfast can help ensure a better overall diet.

Here is my summary review:Taste: 5 stars. There is no question about it. Nutella is truly tasty.

Appearance: 4 Stars. The rich cocoa color screams chocolate, which is why Nutella is a favorite among children. They are eating healthy nuts while still enjoying a hint of their favorite treat. A word of caution; however. Nutella tends to separate over time, leaving an oily substance on top. Either throw the oily part away or serve what is beneath or carefully whisk the ingredients back together before serving.

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Freshness: 5 stars. Nutella provides a “use by” date on each jar. As long as it is consumed before that date, the ingredients are relatively fresh.

Nutrition: 3 stars. There is no denying that Nutella is high in fat, carb and sugar content. One might consider reducing the amount used to one-half serving. That way, the treat can still be enjoyed, but at half the cost.

Green value: 5 stars. The jar can be reused for a variety of kitchen or craft services.

Packaging: 5 stars. Nutella comes in a clear plastic jar so that its rich color can be enjoyed. The top and labeling are white with brown and red lettering to catch the eye. It is easy to spot on the store shelf.

Ease of storage: 5 stars. The jar measures 4″ in height, almost 3″ in width and 2″ in depth. It should fit easily into any kitchen cabinet or pantry. Nutella should not be refrigerated.

Availability: 4 stars. Nutella is available in most major grocery stores and many discount department stores with a large grocery department.

Price: 4 stars. Nutella is more expensive than other similar spreads. Depending upon the size chosen, it will retail for between $3 and $7.

Final rating: 4.4 stars.


5 stars = outstanding
4 stars = good
3 stars = average
2 stars = below average
1 star = poor