Karla News

Numark Motorized Computer DJ System

If you know nothing about me then you won’t know that in my spare time, I love to DJ. Djing has been a serious hobby of mine and I think I’m going to die doing it. I’ve had my share of DJ equipment and most of them weren’t worth talking about. It could have been my fault for not actually investing a good Djing system but over time I learned that if you want great equipment you have to be willing to spend great money.

I bought the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System through the Guitar Center for $1300. Yes that is a lot of money and believe me, It hit my pockets pretty hard. But I actually got to pay it off over time so it wasn’t all that bad. The question is, was that $1300 worth spending? I can honestly say that it was.

What I love about the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System

I could go on and on about what I love about the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System . But that would take up most of my time and yours. So I will just state the facts with a mixture of opinion as quickly as I can.

First of all the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System comes with 2 high-torque, direct drive motors that are adjustable. This is something that I lacked in a few of my other Djing systems, so I was excited about this features.

Another thing I noticed was the 2-in, 4-out 24 bit 2.0 audio interface which also had a USB connetion port. Which means that I was more than able to hook up my laptop to the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System to access my music.

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I also like the fact that this Djing system comes off more digital than it does anything else. So I don’t have to really base my Djing off of vinyl’s if I don’t choose to, this alone is a great aspect. But of course it wouldn’t be real Djing if I didn’t use some type of Vinyl.

Outside of all the other features I listed, it comes with high speed double precision MIDI controls. Now it took me a while to get used to these controllers but once I did I was ready to go. I’m used to my MIDI controls extra loose so when I first got the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System I had to take time to break them in.

I haven’t had a chance to check out the loop extensions it comes with it but I have utilized the cue point and track selection controls. These features is what makes the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System all around different.

What I didn’t like about the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System

I can’t say that there was much I didn’t like about the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System. But I can say that I wasn’t all that happy about the weight. Since I have to travel around with my DJing system from party to party, I’m more into light weight DJing systems. It actually takes two people to carry from one location to the next.

Another thing I didn’t like was the fact that the software that comes with the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System wasn’t easy to install on my computer, It was a bit confusing and hard to understand at first sight. Of course, it didn’t take long to figure out and once I did, I was well on my way.

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My conclusion?

All around the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System is a great way to start your Djing career if you happen to have some sort of dream to do so. It’s a bit pricey but it functions well and does what it’s suppose to do. It comes with all the necessary inputs and outputs and really that’s the most important. There are others I could recommend but I would definitely recommend the Numark Motorized Computer DJ System for beginners.
