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Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas

Colicky Baby, Intestinal Flora, Natural Ways

Having a problem with gas can be an embarrassing problem. Gas isn’t always caused by an unhealthy diet, many healthy foods are common gas producers. Pregnancy and other health issues also cause excess gas.

Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas-Some Problem Foods That You Can Remove From Your Diet

There are many foods that we don’t need in our diet that cause gas. Some of these are fatty foods, sodas, or carbonated drinks of any kind, dairy products if you’re lactose intolerant. Also chewing gum produces excess gas. All of these foods can be safely removed from your diet, and in turn, will naturally remove your gas.

Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas-Some Problem Foods That Are Healthy

There are also a great number of foods that are healthy that I would not recommend removing from your diet. Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower. carrots, celery and many more. There is no reason to remove healthy foods to avoid excess gas. For these, I would recommend following the advice below under Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas-Adults.

Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas-Diseases and Conditions That Cause Excess Gas

If gas causes extreme discomfort or disrupts your life, you should seek out an appointment with your doctor to make sure it is not caused by an underlying disease. Below are just some of the health issues that can cause excess gas.

1) Dental problems-If someone has missing or painful teeth, they will not chew the food properly.
2) Malabsorption issues such as celiac disease.
3) Pregnancy- As the baby grows in your belly, your organs crowd and pressure will be put upon your intestines.
4) Colorectal cancer is the most serious cause. Don’t be alarmed though, this is just one more reason to check with your doctor to ensure your excess gas is not serious.
5) Anxiety problems can cause spasms and in turn cause excess gas.

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Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas-Newborns and Infants

It is natural and normal for your baby to have gas. It can lead to colicky baby, or just plain discomfort. There are some things you can do to help relieve their excess gas. Make sure your baby gets as little air bubbles when nursing whether from the breast or bottle. Always burp your baby very regularly during feeding.

If your baby is having discomfort, rub their belly gently in circular motions starting a the top of belly and working your way down. Another way to help them is by gently bending their legs and raising them to their chest. If your baby is a little older and hasn’t just eaten, play airplane with them! I found this one out by accident. My grand daughter is quite gassy. She has much discomfort with it. One day I was lying down and raised her above my body in an airplane motion and low and behold, her little body was quickly relieved of her gas.

Natural Ways to Alleviate Gas-Adults

1) Chew your food slowly and thoroughly. Take your time while eating your meals or snacks.
2) Taking a walk after eating can aid in the digestion and passing of food through your intestines.
3) Excessive on a regular basis. This aids in the passing of food through the intestines.
4) Probiotics in yogurt can return the balance of intestinal flora.
5) Drinking Chamomile or peppermint tea, both have an anti spasmodic effect on the intestines.
6) Drink plenty of water. This keeps your intestines from blocking up and aids in the removal of bacteria.

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In the “end” excess gas can be relieved naturally. Most likely it is just natural and no cause for alarm, but just to be safe you should get a check up if your gas is extreme.

