Karla News

Natural Pore Reducer

Lemon Juice

I have suffered from blackheads and large pores since I was a teenager, and have come to just accept my skin as it is- that is, until I decided to use a household product I use on my dry skin all the time with my regular body lotion. One use and I’ve noticed drastic results, and I am thrilled. Here, I will share the greatest pore reducer I have ever come across!

For some odd reason, this morning I decided to put lemon juice directly on my face while I was running tub water for my bath. I have been using lemon juice in my body lotions to slough off my dry skin so it will hydrate better, and have benefited greatly in using lemon juice directly on scars to reduce them and make them lighter. Lemon juice is no secret when it comes to acid, and the high levels of Vitamin C in combination with the acid found naturally in lemon juice is wonderful in breaking down dead and stubborn skin tissue to allow new skin growth with the aid of Vitamin C. Lemon juice is also an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.

Applying lemon juice directly to skin does not sting, nor does it have an offensive odor. Immediately after applying lemon juice to my face via soaking a tissue and dabbing the juice on, I noticed that the tissue was left a light brown color, indicating that it had removed dirt and debris from my face. I felt a slight tingling sensation, followed by rapid tightening, like a face mask. With no discomfort, I left the lemon juice on my face for around 15 minutes as I prepared for my bath, then rinsed my face off with the hot water in my tub and washed my face as usual.

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Several hours later, as in just now, I peered into the mirror as I was brushing my teeth, and noticed the bathroom light reflecting off my cheeks and nose, where my blackheads are always most noticeable and my pores are like little indentations all along my face. What I noticed, however, was smooth skin radiating back at me, not the bumpy, porous skin that I am used to. I was shocked, and turned on my other bathroom light to inspect my skin further.

My whole face is smoother! I am completely thrilled at the notion that my pores have appeared to shrink in size in less than a day, and they look cleaner and my whole entire face is less shiny and more even-toned than usual (I also have redness around the nose and a bit in my cheeks). Running my fingers along my cheeks and over my nose, my skin feels smoother than ever. I can only attribute this to the lemon juice, which I will continue to use daily prior to bathing.

I have heard that lemon juice reduces blackheads as well, and this I can say is absolutely true, as my face has never appeared healthier. It’s a sweet discovery, one that I will continue to utilize. Knowing that lemon juice has drastically improved my dry all-over skin was one thing, finding out that it has rapidly given me the clearest skin I can ever recall having is quite a great discovery!


experimentation with lemon juice