Karla News

Three Fabric Dyeing Techniques You Can Use

Dyeing, Elderberries, Ombre

Different fabrics may take dye differently. For example, in England my friends and I gathered Elderberries that grew along a garden path. Cooking the berries smelled fantastic. We added mordant to our hand spun yarns and placed them in the dyepot.

The wool came out a burgundy color, which we expected. The silk placed in the same dye pot with the same mordant came out lilac colored. It does happen that way.

Rayon, nylon and other synthetic fabrics will most likely take dyes differently than natural fibers. That’s part of the fun of dyeing.

Note: When dyeing purchased fabric, yarn or clothing, wash first to remove the sizing. The sizing will prevent dye from reaching all of the fibers. If you do not, you will likely wind up with a “heather” look- that could be what you are going for.

Dye fabric, clothing, yarn and more with these techniques.

There are definitions you should know about dyeing:

Mordant- this is a fixative. It binds the color to the fibers in the fabric.

Dye- a substance used to change a fabric’s color

For All Techniques You will need: