Karla News

My Kitten Loves Free Stuff as Much as I Do!

Fatwallet, Kitten Food

The other day I open up the mail box to find more freebees. I love it, just about everyday I go out to get the mail, and there is something free in there.

So I get this good size box in the mail and wonder to myself what’s in it? So I eagerly open it up. It’s a sample bag of kitten food. I have a kitten, Talouse, who is 4 months old.

I keep his food in a big Tupperware container inside a box by his food dish. I also have a stash of free trial bags of kitten food. I figured you never know when you might need it. If I’m running low on food I have extra just in case. I also take some food to my best friends house. Monday is movie night and Talouse and I go and have a great time. Since she does not have any pets I figure these little bags will come in handy.

I have them hidden under some paper in the box with his heavy cat food container on top of it. I know from experience not to leave a bag out. I had received a coupon from Iams a few weeks ago for a 4 lb bag of free cat food. I went and picked up the kitten food for free at the store.

I made the mistake of leaving it out on the kitchen table. He waited till we were asleep and tore a hole in the side and ate some of the kitten food. I saw it and me and my son laughed so hard. He was like a kid in a candy store with that food. I took some pictures with my cell phone to remind us of the event.

See also  How to Give Away a Kitten

So I thought I had hidden the trial pack of kitten food well. I was wrong. My son and I were busy playing World of Warcraft. We looked down and saw that Talouse had drug some paper out and was playing with it. We resumed our game playing. I heard this crunching sound and looked down at the floor. I see that he had made a huge mess with the paper he was playing with and he also had found a bag of the kitten chow I had hidden. He tore a hole in the bag and was chowing down. I said, “Talouse what did you do?”

He just looked up at me and stared. It was so funny. My son and I started laughing so hard. He had made such a mess, but seemed so pleased with himself that I couldn’t really get angry. He couldn’t leave the kitten food or the shredded paper alone. We cleaned up the kitten chow and I dumped the rest in his container of food.

We decided to let him play with the shredded paper for a while. We put it in a plastic bin. He hopped in and played around in there like a little kid in a ball pit. He even fell asleep in there numerous times. So we have a shredded paper bin in the living room.

So now it’s official that my kitten loves free things as much as I do. Fatwallet is the best free site ever!
