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Mustela Skin Care Products for Mothers and Babies

Irritated Skin, Skincare Products

Known as the skin care specialist for mothers-to-be as well as babies since 1950, Mustela skincare line has prided itself in creating the best products for the skincare of an infant. In addition to skincare Mustela has designed a line of skincare products for babies and new mothers through their creation of Mustela 9 Months, Mustela Sun Protection and Mustela Dermo-Pediatrics.

As with most fine products, Mustela Products found its niche years ago in the care of mothers and infants and comes highly recommended and respected by pediatricians as well as health care workers. Mustela products for mothers and babies has in fact been used in maternity wards for over 50 years.

Along with the stellar reputation Mustela Products carry, also comes a high level of effectiveness and satisfaction with all of their products. The need to protect the skin from the harsh elements is important. With the Mustela Sun Protection line, your baby receives a very high level of protect from the sun with it’s SPF50 lotion After-Sun Hydrating Spray, Protective Cream for Sensitive Area up to SPF 50, and Very high protection Sun Spray up to SPF 30.

The Mustela Sun Products contain 100% mineral or botanic-mineral non-penetrating sun screens, double cellular protection, very high levels of protection for babies, and extremely practical products that are convenient to use for the child and the parent. Ultimately Mustela Sun Protection is designed to keep your child safe from the damaging rays of the sun.

Mustela Dermo Pediatrics is a line of skincare products designed for the baby with troubled skin. Ideal for infants and toddlers with sensitive skin, dry skin, or irritated skin, the Mustela Skin Care line offers products for infants and toddlers with all skin problems.

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Mustela Dermo Pediatrics includes the following products: Stelaker Kerto-Regulating Care for Cradle Cap, Stelactiv Skin care for the diaper area, and Stelatria Dermo-repairing care for irritated skin. For extreme dry skin Mustela created Stelatopia Milky Bath Oil, Stelatopia Emollient Cream, Stelapoia Cleansing Cream, and Stelatopia No-rinse cleansing water.

The Mustela Products Bath Care line formulated for infant and toddler skin offers two excellent products. Mustela Stelatopia Cleansing Cream is soap free yet gently cleanses and soothes the delicate skin of an infant or child. There is also the Mustela Stelatopia Milky Bath Oil which is soothing but is also used to cleanse the body and face area along with simultaneously softening the skin.

The daily hygiene offered by Mustela are excellent cutting edge products formulated to eliminate irritation and dry skin. The Mustela Stelatopia Non Rinse Cleansing Water not only cleanses but also protects, softens and protects the infants’ skin. And then there is the Mustela Stelatria Dermo-Repairing Care formulated to soothe and purify the skin.

For diaper rash Mustela makes the perfect products in Stelactiv Skin Care of the Diaper Area. This product contains three of the top anti-enzymes formulated to neutralize the activity of bacteria which leads to skin irritation. Finally there is the Mustela Stelaker Kerato Regulating Care designed dot eliminate conditions such as crape cap.

All of these excellent products made by Mustela are perfect for the mother to be and the new baby as this is the driving force behind the company. Prices vary depending on the selection but for more information on Mustela products visit the Web site today.

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