Karla News

MRSA; What You Should Know

Mrsa, Mrsa Infection, Staph

In may of 2006 I was diagnosed with MRSA, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that causes infections in different parts of the body. It makes your body resistant to anti-biotics.

It is caused by common bacteria that can live on our bodies. Not many people know about this, and they really should. It can get in to your body by a cut. It can also be spread by contact. It is most common among people who have weak immune systems. MRSA causes up to 40%-50% of staph infections. But MRSA is also showing up in healthy people. Studies have shown that rates of CA-MRSA infection are growing fast. We all need to be aware of what it can do to us. I know first hand. When I was in the hospital for a spider bite on my eye lid they couldn’t get rid of the infection. I was there for a week and a half. After a week they came back and told me I had MRSA. They quarantined my room and wouldn’t let anyone in who was sick. They told me that if I even caught a cold it could kill me. It was a very scary situation. I had never heard of it before so I did some research on it. And I now want to pass it on to others because it is also infecting much younger people. We need to be aware of things out there that we don’t really hear about.

MRSA was one of the first germs to outwit all but the most powerful drugs. Staph infections can also cause MRSA. Staph bacteria are normally found on the skin or in the nose of about one-third of the population. Vancomycin is one of the few antibiotics still effective against hospital strains of MRSA infection, although the drug is no longer effective in every case. Several drugs continue to work against CA-MRSA, but CA-MRSA is a rapidly evolving bacterium, and it may be a matter of time before it, too, becomes resistant to most antibiotics.

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I really want people to know about this. It can be deadly if you don’t take Action. CA-MRSA, is responsible for many serious skin and soft tissue infections and for a serious form of pneumonia. When not treated properly, MRSA infection can be fatal. Please get tested if you feel that you are taking medications and still not getting better. It could save your life. Also Please do more research on this topic. I have given some information but there is more out there. Really we all need to know. Until that day in the hospital I had never heard of it and now I worry every day I might get sick and I know there may not be much they can do for me. It is a scary thought. We all need to be informed and I don’t know why many people don’t know about it yet.

They do have a medicine to help prevent it. To prevent skin infections caused by MRSA and other germs, it’s essential to treat your cuts and scrapes with StaphAseptic�. It’s an effective way to protect yourself and stop staph from spreading. Its greaseless, non-staining gel provides soothing wound care without stinging or irritation. Please look in to it.

Here is some more information.

Experts have so far uncovered 17 strains of MRSA, with differing degrees of immunity to the effects of various antibiotics. Antibiotics are not completely powerless against MRSA, but patients may require a much higher dose over a much longer period, or the use of an alternative antibiotic to which the bug has less resistance. MRSA infections can cause a broad range of symptoms depending on the part of the body that is infected. These may include surgical wounds, burns, catheter sites, eye, skin and blood.Infection often results in redness, swelling and tenderness at the site of infection. Sometimes, people may carry MRSA without having any symptoms. The advice from doctors who give you antibiotics is always to finish the entire course – advice which many of us ignore.When you don’t finish the course, there’s a chance that you’ll kill most of the bugs, but not all of them – and the ones that survive are of course likely to be those that are most resistant to antibiotics.Over time, the bulk of the Staph strains will carry resistance genes, and further mutations may only add to their survival ability.Strains that manage to carry two or three resistance genes will have extraordinary powers of resistance to antibiotics

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