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Movie Trivia Games for Parties

Brandon Lee, Movie Party, Samuel Jackson

Here are different movie trivia questions and games with rules and instructions that can be adjusted to fit the theme of your party. Some of these movie games require paper and pencils for guests while others can be played with little to know materials. The style of each trivia question or game activity may have wacky elements that make them challenging for guests to answer.

Movie Star Career Trivia Question
Ask guests to name 5 movies starring a specific Actor or Actress. Answers to this question must include movies in which the selected person had main roles rather than supporting roles. The Fast and the Furious” would be a correct answer for actor Vin Diesel while “Saving Private Ryan” would be an incorrect answer since he had a supporting role in the Steven Spielberg directed movie. You can also place a sense of urgency on this trivia question, requiring guests to submit their answers within a certain time frame such as 60 seconds. The guest or group of guests who list correct answers within your designated time frame either wins bragging rights for being the most knowledgeable movie fan at the party or is provided with a prize. This trivia question can be used to create an entire game where guests have to list 5 movies each for a list of actors and actresses. You can also use this as a single question in a long list of different movie themed trivia questions for guests to answer during your party.

The Hollywood Death Toll Game
Instruct your guests to name as many movies where a crew member or cast member was killed on set as they can during your party. You can also give extra points to guests who can also list how these people died on set. The knowledge of how someone died may help to heighten the competition between guests because they cannot depend solely on wild guesses to win this game. In the scenario of extra points for this movie party game, the guest who lists “The Crow” as one of his answers and then claims that Brandon Lee had a heart attack will lose to another guest who has a similar answer sheet or list but writes that this actor was shot. Prior to serving dessert or distributing party favors, tally the answers of each guest to find out who has the most correct movies listed.

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Create a master list to use as a reference when verifying whether your guests’ answers are correct or incorrect. The master list should include the name of the movie and person who died along with their cause of death if possible. Determine if deaths that did not occur immediately will be accepted towards the correct answer totals. A crew or cast member that was in an accident on a movie set and then died within days following as a result of that accident may or may not be a valid answer depending on how you want to host this game.

Movie Danger Zone Trivia Game
While some movies such as do not have scenes where the characters involved are killed such as “Sex in the City,” other box office releases end deadly for several people who show up in the plot. You can use these tragic events to create a quick trivia game for guests to play at your party. Ask questions to guests that are related to killings in a particular movie or group of films. How many lives were spared in “No Country for Old Men?” How many people were killed in “Deep Blue Sea” starring Samuel Jackson and LL Cool J? Watch the movies that will be included in your trivia questions to find the answers and do additional research to make sure that your observations are correct in advance to your party date.