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Movie Review: Evan Almighty

Bruce Almighty, Evan Almighty

Easily one of the best live action family films in quite some time, Evan Almighty is triumphant in every way Bruce Almighty was not. Bruce Almighty is a movie filled with scattershot laughs and a premise that was not completely satisfying. Evan Almighty is an entirely different film, taking a more family oriented approach and leaving the audience with a broad message.

Evan Almighty, a modern retelling of the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, focuses on Evan Baxter (Steve Carell), the enemy of Bruce from the first film. Oddly enough, Evan has completely changed in character since the last picture and has become a work-aholic politician who, more often than not, fails to deliver on his empty promises made to his family. However, God (Morgan Freeman) steps into Evan’s life, asking him to build an ark because a flood is coming. Evan initially claims it doesn’t fit in his plan, but soon enough animals begin to follow him as he begins growing an enormous beard and dons a gnarly, Old Testament looking robe. As Evan starts to build the ark, just about everyone thinks he’s gone the wayside, except his children, who are contented with seeing their father more often.

The script for Evan Almighty was originally known as The Passion of the Ark, a screenplay that apparently had no relation as a sequel to Bruce Almighty. After the script was sold and went through rewrites, it became the next installment in the Almighty films.

Director Tom Shadyac, who directed the first Ace Ventura and Bruce Almighty, is a Christian and a good choice for the material. He delivers the biblical message, without being overly preachy. He also keeps the pace snappy, which helps when the jokes aren’t hilarious. Admittedly, there were some scenes that could have used God’s divine touch, but Shadyac does a fine job carrying most of the picture. The film has a good amount of humor we’ve all seen and heard before, but Evan Almighty certainly has its own fair share of charm and warm smiles, even if it does come with what feels like a slightly flooded running time.

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As for the cast, Steve Carell is good as always and Wanda Sykes is at her sarcastic best. For some strange reason, God doesn’t make much of an appearance in the film, yet Morgan Freeman’s presence is felt throughout the entire comedy.

There have been various reports claiming what the actual budget of Evan Almighty was, spanning everything from 175 million to 250 million. Whatever the bottom line may be, Evan Almighty is the most expensive comedy ever made. In all honesty, it was money well spent. The computer generated animals and the big finale, when the flood finally hits, all look terrific. It’s also refreshing to see Hollywood take a chance and spend money on a film with a message. While Bruce Almighty managed to squeak by without alienating non-Christian audiences, the sequel is decidedly Christian, something that could work in Evan Almighty’s favor or cause this top-heavy boat to sink.

Is Evan Almighty a terrific comedy? No, this ark is certainly packed with more animals than laughs, but it is a rather enjoyable flick for the entire (Christian) family.