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Mother-In-Law Day Gift Guide


Mother-In-Law Day will be celebrated on October 28 this year, and sons-in-law need to be prepared with a thoughtful gift to keep themselves in the good graces of their wife and her mother. But, let’s face it, men have never been considered the most sentimental gender of our species, so here’s a guide of some thoughtful gifts in a varying prices ranges for guys to give their mothers-in-law to show their appreciation to the woman who gave their wives life.

Before deciding what to get for your mother-in-law, you should try to think about some of her favorite things. Is she outdoorsy? Indoorsy? Does she like to do crafts? Sewing, knitting, or quilting? Maybe she likes to travel to exotic locations or just to neighboring cities and towns to visit friends and family.

After thinking about what she might like, you need to decide how much you can afford. If you’re handy, you can make something yourself to save money, if not a trip to the mall may be necessary to find the right gift. Once you take all these things into consideration, it’s time to choose an appropriate Mother-In-Law Day gift for your mother-in-law.

Price Range – $0 – $25

“Coupon book” – Make coupons for a free meal at your house (you cook), shopping days with your wife while you take care of the house and kids, a play date with her grandchildren, free yard work or handyman services for a day, or a free session of pet sitting when she goes out of town. This will cost nothing to make (unless you want to dress it up with construction paper and other crafty items), but will be a huge hit with the mother-in-law.

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Bird house or bird feeder – If your mother-in-law likes to sit in her back yard and watch the birds and squirrels, a bird house or bird feeder would be a great gift. For those guys who are handy with a band saw, making one yourself would be a piece of cake and free if you have scrap wood lying around. You can find a store-bought bird house or bird feeder for $25 or less, too.

Magazine subscription – There are magazines available on a seemingly endless number of topics. If your mother-in-law is into arts and crafts, celebrities, travel, hobbies, animals, games, hunting, or even muscle cars, then someone, somewhere has created a magazine that she will love. If you haven’t been married long and aren’t sure what her hobbies are, just ask your wife to give you some ideas.

Craft supplies – Yarn, scrapbooking supplies, quilting supplies, beads, and so many more craft and hobby supplies are available at craft stores like Michaels. If you’re not sure about choosing the right thing, you can ask your wife or just buy her a gift card.

Flowers – Flowers are a bit cliché, but women always appreciate a nice bouquet. You can choose cut flowers from a florist or a potted plant if your mother-in-law is into gardening. Choose wisely, though; ask a florist or horticulturist if you’re unsure.

Bath and Body – Ladies love to smell good, and, in general, mothers-in-law are no exception. Purchasing a small gift basket from a popular bath store will please your mother-in-law to no end. If you’re creative, buy a small basket (or find one at home) and create your own selection of fragrant soaps, bath gels, and body sprays. Be careful to choose scents that are light and not overpowering.

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Price Range – $25 – $50

Facial, Manicure, or Pedicure – Mothers-in-law deserve a little pampering, and a single spa service can make her feel special without breaking the bank. If you can’t afford to go all out, choose one service that you know your mother-in-law will love and present her with a certificate for it inside of a nice card.

Housecleaning Service – After countless years of cleaning and doing laundry day in and day out, your mother-in-law would love a break, even if just for a day. Call in a housecleaning service and have her house scrubbed from top to bottom. A couple of words of caution, however – first, make sure she knows about it before they show up. It may be confusing if you try to make it a complete surprise. Also, if your mother-in-law is the sensitive type, she may take your gift as a hint that her housecleaning skills need improvement. Make sure she knows that the service was meant as a gesture to give her a break from her everyday routine.

Dinner – Take your mother-in-law out for dinner at her favorite restaurant. Many retirees keep their lives simple and eat bland dinners that they can pop into a microwave. Or, they go the opposite route and cook a huge meal a few times a week and slave for hours cooking and cleaning, then eating leftovers for several days. Break the routine and take your mother-in-law out for a special dinner at her (or your) favorite restaurant. If your mother-in-law is a widow or divorcee, let her bring along a friend or a date for the evening. Watch the price range, though; this one can easily jump above $50.

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Price Range – $50 – $150

Full Day at the Spa – If you really love your mother-in-law, you can treat her to a full day at the spa. Mothers-in-law will love getting wrapped, massaged, waxed, and cleansed. All over pampering will have you well on your way to becoming her favorite son-in-law!

MP3 Player – Some mothers-in-law may not understand the technology, but for those that do, an MP3 player may be a hit. If your mother-in-law likes to exercise (especially those mall-walkers), she may love listening to her favorite tunes while she’s working out. Whether it’s Dean Martin or Guns N Roses download some of her favorites before you give it to her for an extra special treat.

Tickets – If your mother-in-law loves the theatre or has a favorite sports team, buy her tickets to the next big event. Just be sure to plan ahead to make sure she has safe transportation to and from the venue.

These are a few ideas to that may help you show your appreciation for your mother-in-law and for everything she does for you and your family. As an added bonus, your wife will be impressed at your graciousness and may end up showing you her appreciation as well!