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Meanings of the Teeth Falling Out Dream

Dream Dictionary, Dream Meanings, Interpreting Dreams

“Dream about teeth falling out.”

That’s a pretty popular search term when comes to people searching online for dream meanings. Turns out, it’s a popular ‘˜what do dreams mean’ related search because teeth falling out also one of the most common dreams people experience.

Interpreting dreams is highly subjective, almost like reading the daily horoscope. But, I will provide some information on dreams about losing teeth here based on a few dream dictionaries I own.

I Had the Strangest Dream — The Dreamer’s Dictionary for the 21st Century by Kelly Sullivan Walden defines a teeth falling out dream as having a great deal to do with issues of communication and the dreamer’s ability to process or “chew on” data acquired throughout the day. This dream dictionary further explains, “if you dream of losing your teeth, then you are venting your feelings, insecurity, powerlessness, financial stress or about the death or loss of a family member.”

10,000 Dreams or What’s in a Dream has a two and a half page explanation of the teeth falling out dream and in fact, it’s one of the longest dream meaning entries in the entire encyclopedia. There are several teeth dream meanings, but when it comes to losing teeth in a dream, this book also has several breakdowns. For starters, if you dream you lose your teeth, the book says, “you will have burdens which will crush your pride and demolish your affairs.” The book further says if the dreamer loses one tooth, it foretells disagreeable news. For two teeth to fall out in a dream means the dreamer will slip into unhappy states by no fault of the dreamer himself. And, if three teeth are lost in a dream, sickness or accidents could happen. Further, if the dreamer sees all the teeth fall out, famine or death will appear.

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The colorful dreaming: remembering, interpreting, benefiting by Julia and Derek Parker as a shorter entry for the meaning of a teeth falling out dream. It says, “the loss of a tooth in a dream may be a hint that we are in some way losing self-respect. The book also notes that Freud says dreaming of teeth is connected to masturbation.

Taking a look at a fourth dream dictionary for the meaning of a teeth dream, the Everything Dreams Book explains that teeth are what people use to bite. “If you lose your bite, you lose power,” the entry explains. The books also suggests the dream of teeth falling out could be a metaphor for “loose or careless” speech.

Those are just four meanings of dreams about teeth falling out from four great dream dictionaries. If you are looking for a quality dream dictionary or dream book, specialized sites like TheDreamDrawer.com can offer some pretty cool dream dictionaries, including a few of those mentioned here. Browse here.
