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Marvel Movie News: Avengers 2 and Beyond

Illuminati, The Avengers Movie

Marvel Movie News: Avengers 2 and beyond

The Avengers movie has come and gone and there have been a lot of noise as to what is coming next. Phase 2 is what’s next. If you watched the end credits you saw the purple skinned, wrinkly chinned villain by the name of Thanos.

Thanos is a cosmic being of power. He lust for death and gems called the Infinity Gems. My theory is that we will see hints or signs of the infinity gems in each new Marvel Movie: Iron Man 3, Captain America 2: Winter Solder, Thor 2: The Dark World, Guardians of the Galaxy and ultimately Avengers 2. But what lies beyond?

Latino Review as leaked some highly interesting rumors that seem quite credible. We just may be getting a Planet Hulk movie and maybe even a World War Hulk movie. See, by the time Avengers was over and became such a massive hit, viewers walked away liking the Hulk more than they did in any of his previous stand alone movies. This netted Mark Ruffalo(actor for the Hulk) a 6 movie deal, even though no planned movies are hulk movies. So, we may be seeing Hulk in these Phase 2 movies.

In the Planet Hulk story Hulk, after rampaging through Las Vegas, was jettisoned into outer space by the Illuminati. They are a secret group consisting of Iron Man, Namor, Mr. Fantastic, Black Panther, Black Bolt, Professor X and Dr. Strange. If this where to happen, obviously Prof. X and Mr. Fantastic wont be able to appear due to character rights, so it will be interesting to see what would the Marvel Movie Illuminati look like. And by the way, Dr. Strange will be in the works as apart of Marvel’s Phase 3.

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Hopefully we will see Mark Ruffalo working in Iron Man 3 as Bruce Banner in Tony Stark’s Research and Development department Tony mentioned because at the end of Avengers we see them ride off together toward Stark Tower (Presumably). But, judging from the Iron Man 3 trailer most of the film will take place in Tony’s Malibu. Iron Man 3 will also have The Mandarin, played by Sir Ben Kingsley. In the comics Mandarin is Half-Chinese, Half-British. Kingsely is British and Indian. Some people may have a problem with this, but it does make since.

In the comics, Tony was involved in the Arms Race during the Cold War, obviously times have changed and our current war exploits involves places like Iraq and Afghanistan. What the first Iron Man movie did in a very interesting way was to incorporate The Mandarin’s signature weapons as the name of the terrorist group in the first movie: The Ten Rings-Rings of a magical and alien origin. This may not be the rings origin in Iron Man 3, but The Mandarin does have them in the trailer. Also, it is possible he is not the true Mandarin. If you pause the first trailer at about 53/54 seconds you can see what looks like The Mandarin removing his hood and on the back of his neck is a tattoo of what looks like the Captain America shield, but instead of the star in the middle, we see an anarchist “A”. I’m not sure what, if any, character in the Marvel universe has this symbol, but to say the least it is unique.

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It seems like every day that goes by more and more news and rumors pop up about this or that. It makes it all tough to keep up with, especially now that Disney has bought LucasArts, which in turns means Disney bought Star Wars. Currently, Disney plans on making Episode: VII-IX with side stories coming out in between that will shift through time. We may get a Young Han Solo standalone movie as well as a Yoda standalone. Disney has announced the director for Episode: VII, and it is none other than the man that brought Star Trek back from the brink: J.J. Abrams. Star Wars seems to be in promising hand, but only time will tell. Next week I will delve into J. J. Abrams and if he is, in fact, good for Star Wars.
