Karla News

Marketing Tips for Your In-Home Child Care Business

Carseats, Child Care, Child Care Center

You’ve made up your mind. It’s official. You’re going to start what you hope will be a financially rewarding in-home child care business.

We’ve all been there, those of us who’ve taken on the daunting task of running our own child care business. We want everything to be perfect. We are easily tempted to invest far too much in our new venture. Our minds are set on everything being shiny and new when we greet our first customer, from the toys the children will play with, right down to the programs we’ll use to keep our records in order.

Now, if you can afford to start your child care business off with a bang by purchasing all new materials, that’s great. However, if you are like me when I started out, money is a major concern, In fact, it was the lack of cash that prodded me into starting my own business. I was a pre-k teacher as well as a director at a private child care center for fifteen years, and I absolutely loved my job…in the beginning.

As the years passed I longed to venture out on my own, I missed my own children, and I was growing weary of training my supervisors on the proper way to run a profitable child care center. It was obvious that their educations had taught them how to relate to children, but they had learned nothing about dealing with irate parents and the business side of Early Childhood Education.

I was frustrated to say the least. After fifteen years of teaching I never saw my salary rise above $11 and hour. Not to mention the enormous fees I was paying each week for my own children’s after-school care and summer camp.

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I have come to believe that those of us in the child care business are called by a higher power to do this job. Our main responsibility is to nurture the young souls in our care. So if you are like me and you have not been blessed with a large sum of money, do not give up hope. You can start your child care business on a shoestring budget.

Play it smart and save every penny that you possibly can by following the simple tips that I will share with you. Keep in mind that it could take several months before you begin to see your child care business make a profit. It is during these lean times that every penny counts.

Let’s Talk About Marketing

Here are a few ideas for marketing you new child care business.

Naming Your Business: This is the first impression that parents see. You can use any kind of cute or catchy title, or you can name you business after yourself. I named my in-home child care center “A Joyous Noise”. This gave parents a subtle hint that it was a Christian-based center.

Creating A Logo That Is Unique: Try to create a logo that matches the philosophy of your business. Once you have chosen your logo…use it. Be sure to include it on everything-business cards, flyers, stationary, newsletters, daily reports, menus, etc.

Your Philosophy: Take the time to write your mission statement and philosophy. Why are you doing in-home child care? What are your feelings regarding educating young children? Do not forget to include your mission statement and philosophy in your handbook and brochure.

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Business Cards: Everyone should have them! There are numerous free programs that you can download to create something that is uniquely yours. Your business cards should contain the following information: business name, your name, phone number, fax number, email address, website, and your logo or motto. Never leave home without them. You never know when someone will ask for information about your business.

Pass your cards out to potential clients and leave some at various businesses around town. Try the following: Dr’s offices, public library, local hair, nail and tanning salons, real estate offices, churches, local schools, and department stores such as Walmart, Target and K-Mart. I would leave my business cards inside the infant changing tables you find in public restrooms.

Word Of Mouth: This is the absolute best type of advertising! It’s free! Leave your name and number with the local schools, especially if you offer some type of after-school care. Ask friends and neighbors to spread the word about your business. You can also contact your local Child Care Referral Agency and make them aware of your enrollment status.

Fliers: Come up with a creative idea for your flier. Be sure to include information that makes your child care center unique. What type of curriculum do you offer? Do you have a large play area? Do you offer special hours or provide service on the weekends? When parents call looking for child care remember to get their name and number so you can call them back at a more convenient time.

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It’s All About Curb Appeal: Make sure that you home is clean and picked-up, both inside and outside. Many parents will drive by your home numerous times before they call to see if this is a place where they would be comfortable leaving their children.

More No-Fail Ways To Promote Your Business

1. Place business cards or fliers on the windows of cars with carseats.
2. Buy or make your own magnetic sign to put on your vehicle.
3. Take your business cards or brochure to the maternity ward of the local hospital.
4. Create and place bumper stickers on the back of your car.
5. Spring is here and this is a great time to hand out your business cards at a yard sale at your
home, or give them to current clients to hand out at their yard sales.

Operating your own child care center can be an extremely rewarding experience. If you take the time to market your new business properly, you will be full and turning away clients before you know it.