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Making Your “Secret” Vision Board: Maximize Your Attractions

There’s a lot of hype recently with the centuries-old “law of attraction”. Books like “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne provide an overview of how to manifest your desires. Many of these books stress visualization as a way to help bring the things you want in your life. One tool of visualization is a vision board. It’s like a collage of images, words, colors and ideas that evoke thoughts of positivity and abundance. I think the idea behind a vision board is great because it requires you applying creativity and passion to the things you want.

A vision board can be a standard collage with pictures posted all over in no particular order, but I think there’s a better way to collect your wishes. Separating your wants into categories can focus ideas and help you build upon areas in your life you would like to flourish. I have a huge vision board with separate poster boards labeled with different themes.

Some theme ideas that you can fill with your own dreams are health, spirituality, learning of education, home, travel, life experiences or adventures, financial goals, and gratitude.

Health, spirituality, and learning all go hand in hand. It’s the trinity of mind, body, and spirit. If you have weight loss aspirations, put your goal weight on your health board. If you want to be strong and fit, find a picture that represents that for you. Spirituality is a great place for words that inspire you, whether it is Bible verses or quotes from people you admire that make your soul smile. Learning or education can be languages you would like to master or topics that you would like to know more about. Knowledge can bring a lot of opportunities your way, so give this area a lot of thought.

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The home theme can be a new house or renovations you would like to make to your existing home. If you see a new refrigerator you want in the Sunday paper, cut it out and stick it on. Maybe you would like a new tree in your yard. Draw your perfect tree and think about sitting under it on a breezy spring day.

Travel and life adventures is where you put the ideal European vacation you’ve been wishing for. Skydiving and hiking the entire Appalachian Trail adorn my life adventures board. Whatever you are hoping to experience should be represented with vivid imagery.

Financial goals are a large part of what people focus on with the law of attraction. Money in itself is useless. Your intentions for the money that you would like to attract is important. That is why I want to stress the importance of the areas of your life I have listed above. A vision board with just money or a check made out to yourself for a million dollars doesn’t bring to mind prosperity. Things you can physically do or feel makes you have thoughts of wealth.

The most important section to the your vision board should be gratitude. Being thankful for the things you have and things that are coming to you is a necessary part of the law of attraction. You should put pictures of yourself doing something you love, or on a fun trip you took with friends or family. Whatever you’re thankful for in your life needs to go here.

Have fun doing this project. Put on good music, grab some colorful markers and pictures and get started. Put your vision board in a highly visible place and look at it daily. This is going to promote good feelings and super charge the law of attraction bringing you all of your desires.