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Make Money Writing Letters, Press Releases and Speeches

I spend a few hours a day searching for other ways to make money writing, preferably online opportunities that do not require any prior investment to participate. Today I found a really interesting one that I think will end up being quite profitable not only for myself but for others as well.

The website that I discovered calls itself The Web’s Premier Letter Writing Site or letterrep.com. I was curious so I read more and was happy with what I had read so I signed up and even wrote one letter. Anyway, here is how it works.

You go to their website and you have look around for the link that tells you how to write for them, I finally found it at the very bottom of the page. When you click that link you will be taken to the writer’s page where you can read their FAQ’s, and then sign up if you think it sounds like a good deal which I did.

Once you sign up, then you will be taken to a page with a list of links, one of which is Current Requests. This is the link you want to click on as it will take you to a long list of requests for those needing letters written. Once you click on a request you will be taken to a link with further information and there will be a form below it that you can use to write your letter, or above the letter form is where you can suggest a letter from the general inventory. I really liked the fact that they had the letter form as it made it very easy for me to do my letter, and having the information with what the requestor wanted right above it was very nice. I wrote that first letter in about ten minutes.

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You can also write press releases and speeches for this website and the pay is the same as for letters, although from what I could letters are the most requested item and will probably be more likely to make you money.

Now, I’ll bet you’re asking yourself, “but how do I make money doing this?” There are actually two ways you can make money on this website and that is by either writing a letter in response to a request yourself, or by finding a letter their general inventory that fits the request and suggesting it. There is a place on the specific letter request form for this as well. If a requestor likes a letter you have written and pays the fee, this company pays you a flat rate of $10. If a requestor chooses one of your custom letters that is in the general inventory, you still get $10, but if they choose another letter that you suggest that isn’t your own from the general inventory you get $5.

Another advantage of writing letters for this company are that they pay by check, paypal and western union, so you have three options for how to be paid which is really great. In addition even if the requestor does not use your letter, the letter goes into the database so that someone else can purchase your letter later on. Since other writers cruise the database looking letters to refer to requestors it is a win-win situation with you making the $10 and the referrer making $5 for referring your letter.

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Now there are a couple of downsides to writing for this website, although I personally think the advantages outweigh them. The first is that it is not a guarantee that a requestor will choose your letter, as many writers can submit letters. The second is that you have to wait 30 days after the purchase to get paid. This is because they have a money back guarantee. If the requestor decides after 30 days that they do not want to use the letter their money is refunded and you don’t get paid. On the upside letterrep.com claims they have a less than 1% return rate. Another disadvantage is that they do not have a referral program so that you can be paid by referring others to their website which is surprising considering they have everything else.

Also, as I mentioned before, keep in mind that even if your letter is not chosen it goes into the general inventory where other writers and you can suggest it to requestors and where requestors can find it when they do their initial search. So, as I mentioned before I think the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

If you would like to give letterrep.com a try you can sign up here.
