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Little Known Facts About NFL Star Michael Vick

Little Known Facts, Spring Practice

Little Known Facts About NFL star Michael Vick

“It’s like God put all these great elements together and gave them to Michael,” stated NFL Receiver Shawn Jefferson.

Michael Vick, also called Superman, Houdini in Cleats, and Mr. Electric, has a rocket-launching arm, fast legs, and quick moves. As quarterback for the Atlanta Falcon’s NFL team, he is definitely one heck of a football player that continues to lead the Red Rush to victory!

For all you Atlanta and Vick fans out there, how much do you really know about Vick, on and off the field? Here are some little known facts about Michael that you may not know!

Did you know that:

Michael Vick throws with his left hand, even though he is right-handed.

Vick played high school football against future NBA-star Allen Iverson of the 76ers.

Michael wears a number 7 on his jersey because he says it is his lucky number.

Other than football, Michael’s favorite sport is fishing. Michael loves to fish. He first got into the sport when he was 10, casting his line into the waters of the James River.

He also loves dogs. His favorite pet is his pit bull named Champagne. He also has birds.

His cousin is New Orleans Saints quarterback Aaron Brooks, whom Vick shadowed around as a youngster and learned from.

As a child, Michael’s nickname was Ookie.

Michael’s faced a challenge in his first year of college: homesickness. He spent many nights on the phone with his mother, begging her to bring him home. After the Hoakies football season ended, she did just that. He stayed home for a couple of days and then returned to spring practice.

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He glued his eyelids shut at the age of three.

The Colorado Rockies selected Michael in the 30th round of the 2000 Major League draft, even though he hadn’t picked up a baseball or swung a bat since the ninth grade.

The Falcons included a clause in his contract that says he must pay the club $500,000 if he fails to attend 75% of Atlanta’s spring and summer workouts. This makes sure he attends practice.

Vick has stated, “Playing sandlot ball, I was always trying to imitate Barry Sanders and Walter Payton. Sports kept me off the streets. It kept me from getting into what was going on, the bad stuff.”

Michael was drafted by the NFL after only two seasons of college ball with the Virginia Tech Hokies. Now, with the Atlanta Falcons, he’s one of the youngest starting quarterbacks around.

Vick is single and has two children, a boy and a girl.

His favorite TV show is Martin, and favorite movie is Life.

Michael likes music, and his all time favorite artist to listen to is rapper Scarface.

Michael Vick, along with his brother Marcus and mother Brenda, announced in June 2006 the formation of The Vick Foundation, a non-profit organization that will support at-risk youth and after school programs. The organization will be for youth in the Metro Atlanta and Hampton Roads areas.

He doesn’t portray the party-animal attitude or boast his handsome good looks, like many famous people. Falcon’s quarterback and legend Michael Vick is an intriguing individual. From the list of little known facts about him, I hope you gain an even deeper since of knowledge and awe for him. He would be the perfect role-model for any kid or young aspiring football player.

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