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Little Known Facts About Julie Walters

Little Known, Little Known Facts

Harry Potter fans know Julie Walters best from her role as Mrs. Weasley in the Harry Potter series. Julie Walters has appeared in all of the Harry Potter films, except Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. She does such an amazing job playing Mrs. Weasley, but Julie Walters has also appeared in several other wonderful films, including the movie Calendar Girls. She is also considered to be one of the greatest British film actresses of all time. But, as popular as this actress is, there are still some little known facts about Julie Walters.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #1: Birth Name

Julie Walters’ birth name is actually Julia Mary Walters. Another fun fact is that she was born on February 22, 1950 in West Midlands, England.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #2: Was Ranked as the Greatest British Film Actress

In 2001 Julie Walters was ranked as the number one British Film actress on the Orange Film Survey. Included in the top ten are two other Harry Potter stars including Harry Potter’s Maggie Smith and Emma Thompson.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #3: Received an O.B.E. in 1999

O.B.E. stands for Officer of the Order of the British Empire. Julie Walters received this honor because of her services to drama.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #4: In 2001 She Received a Best Actress Award

In 2001, Julie Walters received the Laurence Olivier Theatre Award for her performance in All My Sons. Another fun fact is that Julie Walters has had a very successful career in play acting as well as film acting.

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Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #5: Got $4 Million for Her Life Story

Julie Walters got an amazing $4 million for her memoirs. Another fun fact is that she actually set a record for the highest amount paid to a UK celebrity for their life story.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #6: Left Her Nursing Career to Pursue Acting

Julie Walter’s mother was never thrilled with the thoughts of her daughter becoming an actress. She actually wanted her daughter to pursue a career in the nursing field. Julie did her best to please her mother by attending nursing school, but in the end realized that acting was what she was destined to do. Another interesting fact is that Julie Walters often wondered if she had let her mother down, but after her mother’s death Julie found a large box in her mother’s home that contained clippings from all of her successes.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #7: Also Acted with Rupert Grint in Driving Lessons

Julie Walters has starred with Rupert Grint in the movies Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. But, she has also appeared with this Harry Potter star in the movie Driving Lessons.

Little Known Facts about Julie Walters #8: Has an Organic Farm

One last fun fact is that Julie Walters and her husband actually own a 70 acre organic farm in Sussex.
