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Little Known Facts About Dr Pepper Soda

Cane Sugar, Diet Dr. Pepper, Dr Pepper, Waco Texas

The legend goes that Dr Pepper soda was invented by pharmacist Wade Morrison in Rural Retreat, Virginia. The year was 1885. His recipe was a mix of twenty-three fruity flavors. Besides working at a drug store for a man named Dr. Pepper, Morrison was a lad in love…with Pepper’s beautiful daughter. In an effort to butter his boss up so he would give Morrison her hand in marriage, the invention was named “Dr. Pepper.” Unfortunately, Morrison was, instead, fired from his job. The young man moved to Waco, Texas where his new soda drink became popular. Morrison eventually married. But his heart remained true to Miss Pepper. If you like happy endings instead of sad ones, you can change this conclusion to read, “Undaunted by Dr. Pepper’s refusal, Wade Morrison and the lovely Miss Pepper eloped to Texas where they lived happily.” Now, read the rest of this article and learn some little known facts about Dr Pepper Soda you’re sure to enjoy!

The Truth of Its Origin
A little known fact about Dr Pepper Soda is the truth behind its beginning. You see, the year was indeed 1885, and it was invented by a pharmacist. His name, however, was Charles Alderton. Alderton worked at Morrison’s Old Country Drug Store in Waco, Texas. Morrison the owner- not Alderton the employee- named the tasty soft drink after a man he had previously worked for- Dr. (Charles) Pepper. It’s uncertain why. Other than the fact drinks were usually some sort of tonic that were whipped up in a drugstore. So it was commonplace to call a product “Doctor-Somebody’s-Something-Or-Other.”

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Dr Pepper Soda stands out from Pepsi and Coke because it has never been a cola. Instead, it’s flavor is the result of a secret mixture of twenty-three ingredients.

Original Recipe Still Available
Another little known fact about Dr Pepper Soda is that it was originally made with Imperial Pure Cane Sugar. S.H. Prim was the owner of a bottling company in Dublin, Texas. He bottled the very first Dr Pepper in 1891. Amazingly, the company is still in operation today. You can order Dr Pepper made with Imperial Pure Cane Sugar by visiting “Old Doc’s Soda Shop” at www.drpep.com. (All other bottlers use high fructose corn syrup because it’s less expensive.)
Besides the soft drink, you can buy hats, shirts, tee shirts and other miscellaneous items there.

Early Changes
Besides having its original recipe altered, Dr Pepper Soda has gone through a lot of changes since 1885. It was first made under the “Dr Pepper Company.” In 1988, the Dr Pepper/Seven-Up Company produced it. Then, in 1995, Cadbury Schweppes bought the company. It’s marketed in North America by Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages (CSAB), which is a subsidiary of Cadbury Schweppes. .

The flavored soft drink was such a hit in its early years that it became listed on the New York Stock Exchange in 1946. Then, a little known fact about Dr Pepper Soda is, sometime in the 1950’s, “Dr. Pepper” became “Dr Pepper” with no period after the first word. That way, it removed any medicinal association it had.

Newer Flavors
You can always purchase regular Dr Pepper. Or, if you desire, you can buy Diet Dr Pepper. (Cadbury Schweppes claims the latter is one of the top ten soft drinks in the country.) Caffeine Free Dr Pepper, and “diet” is also available for those soft drink lovers who don’t want to feel wired.

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Dr Pepper Red Fusion came on the scene in 2002. It was produced for two years. Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper followed after, along with its diet counterpart. In 2006, Dr Pepper Berries & Cream, along with its diet variation.

Dissed By Letterman?
A little known fact about Dr Pepper Soda is that it was seemingly dissed by Late Show host David Letterman. On his December 20, 2000 show, Letterman described Dr Pepper as being “liquid manure.” Afterwards, he said he was just kidding. As a result of the disgusting description, the soda company squawked. The CBS Network promised not to replay the show.

If Letterman- Little Known Facts About Talk Show Host David Letterman – was serious about Dr Pepper, he’s not alone. The soft drink was placed on the Australian market in 1997. But, instead of enjoying this fruity soft drink, the Aussies gave it a thumbs down. They compared its taste to cough syrup.
