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Little Known Facts About Barak Obama

Little Known Facts

It seems far too early to be giving serious consideration to presidential candidates for 2008, yet the political pundits, reporters and poll takers are out in force trying to help Americans make an early choice for America’s next president. Perhaps the least likely of these would be presidents is Barak Obama, the junior senator from Illinois. While Obama shows himself to have that kind of rock star persona that attracts crowds seemingly without effort, there are many professional politicians who are doubtful of his merits because they say he lacks that key part of his portfolio called experience. Possibly they would think differently about Obama if they were tuned in to these little known facts about Barak Obama

1. His challenging youth. Unlike many men and women who have run for president Barak Obama was definitely not born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Obama, as some people know, was born of mixed parentage in Hawaii in 1961. His father was a native Kenyan, his mother was from Wichita, Kansas. They were both students at the East-West Center of University of Hawaii. But by the time Barak was 2 his parents had separated. In time his mother remarried an Indonesian man and life changed for Barak

A little known fact about Barak Obama is that he spent the time from when he was 6 to 10 years old living on the other side of the world in Jakarta, Indonesia. Then in the fifth grade he returned to the U.S. to live with his maternal grandparents in Honolulu where he finished out his schooling and got his high school diploma. When political tacticians look at candidates they sometimes think that experience is simply about how many years one has served in a political position. They ought to also consider the life experience which Barak Obama has which includes the personal development and learning that took place as he tried to steer himself through what had to have been relatively tumultuous times in his youth. His family life, his travels, his varied upbringing are all part of the little known facts about Barak Obama that are a valuable part of what he brings to the political table.

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2. A Real Student Too Barak Obama surely has been, by experience, a real student of life. But Barak also was a student in the traditional sense, in the class room . His undergraduate work first at Occidental College and then at Columbia University centered on political science and international relations. Later he would go on to take his law degree at Harvard University. This achievement was no easy thing for a young man whose early life seemed somewhat chaotic or at least challenging. But there’s more.

Those who question Obama’s portfolio should consider this little known fact about him. In 1991 he was chosen as the President of the Harvard Law Review, the first African-American to receive that honor. This position put him in charge of one of the most prestigious legal periodicals in the nations. Published 8 times annually the review includes papers from top jurists and professionals in the field as well as submitted writings from law students. Those who have served as President of the Harvard Law review have frequently gone on to greater accomplishments. For example today Michael Chertoff, Secretary of Homeland Security and Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court are both former Presidents of Harvard Law Review. It would seem Obama’s portfolio has a few folders in it after all.

3.Related Work Experience It is true that Obama has limited national exposure or experience . He has never been the governor of a state. His experience in the U. S. Senate is limited to one election and 2 served years. On the face of it he would seem dramatically under qualified. But Barak Obama has not been idle since he finished up at Harvard Law. While journalists seem intent on informing everyone about Obama’s lack of national experience they
generally underplay or simply ignore a little known fact about Barak Obama. He has served for 8 years in the State Senate of a large industrial state. He has dealt on the state level with issues that are of national interests and concern.

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Obama also was tapped to present the keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. Though the nominated candidate, John Kerry, did not score a victory in the election, a little known fact about Barak Obama is what a huge impression he made at the convention. It helped to feed the surge of Obama popularity that continues to grow today.

4. A Family Man Barak Obama is not just a professional politician he and his wife are also raising two daughters. While there is much press available about Obama’s latest political positions, the little known facts about Barak Obama include information about his wife Michelle and his daughters Malia and Sasha. To Obama being there for his family has always been key to his happiness and in a sense to his sense of personal success.

Obama’s own extended family includes many different racial types and mixes. He has a half sister who is half Indonesian , she happens to be married to a Canadian. This kind of global mix in ones family can be a little known fact but something that truly contributes to the ability Obama has to envision a better, more tolerant world.

Barak Obama will continued to be questioned about his lack of experience. But for those who have come to learn some of the little known facts about Obama there will be little doubt that he should at least be in the running.
