Karla News

Leinenkugel’s Original – Beer Review

Chippewa Falls, Leinenkugel, Pabst

I love to visit the great state of Wisconsin. These people seem to have an inerhent sense of what it means to make outsiders feel right at home. I think it must have something to do with the incredibly cold winters in that part of the country. Each time spring and summer roll around nearly everyone on the street has a smile and a friendly greeting to share. For this reason, I usually try to visit my friends in Madison and Milwaukee between April and October, when the air is comfortable and the locals are in good cheer. Every time I’m fortunate enough to hang out there, I turn to Leinenkugel’s Original when it’s time for a good beer that won’t make my wallet suffer.

This is an American style lager that delivers exactly what I want when I enjoy a beer on a nice summer afternoon. The brewing tradition in Wisconsin is practically world famous at this point, but I’m here to stand up and say that it is because of smaller breweries like Leinenkugel from Chippewa Falls that this reputation lives and thrives. The Pabst Brewing Company and Miller seem to focus on advertising more than their products. They don’t give a second thought to the ingredients they choose, but for decades on end the Leinenkugel family has remained steadfast in their dedication to good beer.

This beer is a nice golden color and upon further inspection the drinker will notice a medium level of carbonation. For a beer as affordable as the Leinenkugel Original, this really does have a decent head. The aroma consists primarily of malt, but this is quality malt, a far cry from what you’d expect to find in a Budweiser or the like. The taste is great, easy drinking with a little hops, a little sweetness, and a clean finish. Within Wisconsin I’ve seen six packs for sale for as little as $4 – $5. Additionally, I can’t even begin to count the number of bars throughout the Midwest where I’ve seen this tasty offering on draft, which is always a plus. It will never break the bank and so far it has yet to let this beer lover down. This is definitely a good choice.