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Latest Guinness Book of World Records Released

Guinness World Records, World Records

Many people throughout the country thrive on knowing some of the most obscure trivia facts possible. Their information base is about to get a lot larger as Guinness is releasing their Book Of World Records. Amaze your friends with obscure records they have no idea exist. Did you know that there is a record kept for the longest golf shot ever made off the planet? Well there is. Only Guinness would be able to compile a book of obscure facts such as that one. Guinness World Records has issued a press release giving their readers just a taste of what is available in their new book.

Some of the other records that are highlighted in this year’s new edition include the elephant with the world’s largest prosthetic let. Yeah, you can bet there was a long line of elephants lined up to compete for that title. Other new records include the youngest Indycart winner and a bragging right every family dies to have. That bragging right is the title of “world’s hairiest family”.

Not only does the new edition have new world records, but it also has more information in it than previous editions had. The cover of the book has been given a new makeover for this year’s edition. There is a total of 1,500 world records combined between new ones and ones that have been updated. Many of these records have new photos to go along with them as well. The book will even give it’s readers a chance to go behind the scenes and see what goes into getting into the book yourself. That section includes information about how to get your own world record approved even.

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Speaking of world records. The Guinness Book Of World Records has become so popular it even spawned a Guinness World Records Day. The section will recap some of the records that have been set at this event filled day. There will even be information about how to get involved with this year’s event. You are sure to have company at the event, as the 2007 Guinness World Records Day had a total participation of over 100,000 people.

It’s time to amaze your friends with the information that you know, that you probably shouldn’t after reading the book. There is a reason it is considered a World Records Book, it is meant for the entire world to read. This is why the book is published in over 100 countries throughout the world. It is also written in twenty different languages for everyone to enjoy. Guinness World Records book has been published now for over fifty years since it’s inception. The 50th anniversary book was published back in 2004.

Oh, and by the way the world’s tallest living human being is eight feet and five and a half inches tall! He is from the Ukraine. Guinness has decided along with the release of their book to seek out the tallest person in the United States, and invites you to enter at their website.


Prnewswire.com. “Guinness World Records 2008 The World Authority on Record Breaking Launches with More Astounding New Records including the INtroduction of the Tallest Living Human Being: Leonid Stadnyk (8ft 5.5in)”.
URL: http://www.prnewswire.com/cgi-bin/stories.pl?ACCT=ind_focus.story&STORY;=/www/story/08-07-2007/0004640655&EDATE;=TUE+Aug+07+2007,+08:00+AM