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Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars Review

No Sugar Added

Many Americans have gotten so used to decadent treats, that it’s hard to give them up. Unfortunately, many Americans are also overweight. I happen to be one of those Americans and I’ve decided to start eating healthier. But, I know that it’s impossible to give up all my sweet treats and still stick to my diet. This led me to look for treats that were lower in calories. One treat I found was Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars. These appeared to be a healthy choice, but looks can be deceiving.

Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars Review: Taste

First of all, Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars taste amazing. They are very close to the regular version. This alone should alert you to the fact that these might not be as healthy as the package makes them seem. But, you will enjoy the creamy vanilla ice cream and the snap of the chocolate coating.

Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars Review: Varieties

Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars come in Vanilla and Krunch flavors. The only difference between the two is that the Krunch variety has crisp rice added to the chocolate, plus more fat. Klondike also makes Slim-a-Bear 100 Calorie Bars and 100 Calorie Sandwiches in vanilla and chocolate flavors.

Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars Review: Nutritional Value

Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars are may sound healthy, but just how healthy are they? A 4 ounce treat has 170 calories, 90 fat calories, 9 grams of fat, 8 grams of saturated fat, 0 grams of trans-fat, 5mg of cholesterol, 65mg of sodium, 21 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of fiber, 7 grams of sugar, 4 grams of protein, 4% of your daily vitamin A, 15% of your daily calcium, and 3 Weight Watchers Points.

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Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars Review: Price

A 6 pack of Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars will cost around $3. To me, this isn’t a bad price, but you can find other frozen treats that are healthier and less expensive.

Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars Review: Satisfaction Rating

All and all, Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars are tasty, but they aren’t the least bit healthy. This leads me to only give them 3 stars. Granted, this is a better choice than some of the other ice cream products on the market, but not by much. Do yourself a favor and look for healthier choices. There are several low-fat brands on the market and many of them are just as tasty as Klondike’s Slim-a-Bear No Sugar Added Bars, plus they’re healthier. A great example is Healthy Choice Ice Cream Bars which contains less than 2 grams of fat.
