Karla News

Jade Plant: Unique and Hardy Houseplant

Money Tree

If you would like to add a truly stunning plant to your home then the Jade is the house plant for you. Its unique appearance is part of its appeal. It has brilliant green with fleshy plump leaves and stems on an upright plant. It can grow to a staggering three feet in height by two feet in width if you transplant once a year to a bigger pot or you can keep it compact by minimizing the size of the pot you house it in. So you can fit it into virtually any area of your home.

The Jade, also known as Crassula argentea, is a succulent plant. This is a very unique type of plant. Succulents are plants that have adapted to life in the harshest of climates. They have the unique ability to store water in their leaves, stems, and root systems. This makes them extremely suitable for life in the desert or arid climates. The Jade is found in South Africa in the harshest environment where it thrives with its excellent water saving abilities. This is also what makes it a house plant that can live with even the most careless of owner because it will not die if you forget to water it. In fact, the surest way to kill a Jade is to over water it!

Many people call the Jade a Money Tree or Fortune Plant because it is believed that if you keep a Jade in your household then your home will prosper. It is very popular in Feng Shu. The Jade has been kept in homes around the world for over a 100 years and has been very coveted through the decades.

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Jades prefer bright sunlight. It is the sun that will ultimately spur your Jade to blossom. As the days get shorter the Jade begins to ready itself for the multitude of wonderful pinkish white blossoms that it will sprout right before the holiday season. Normally they will bloom right alongside your Christmas cactus which adds to the Christmas time cheer.

I have grown Jades successfully for many years. Normally I only fertilize them in the spring and I will always use Miracle Grow for house plants. I like my Jades to grow large so I do transplant every year to a size larger pot.

The Jade is a long living plant. It is not unheard of for people to pass them down through the generations. I personally know one woman who has owned her Jade plant for over fifty years.

These plants can survive with temperatures dipping down to forty degree’s but they prefer their nights to be no cooler then fifty five and their days to hover around seventy five to eighty degree’s.

I feel that the Jade has something to offer any decor and I encourage you to consider it when making your next houseplant purchase.